The Prince's Christmas Vow - Page 54

The man’s eyes narrowed and his voice lowered. “It’s your problem now because I want a confession.” He held out a voice recorder. “I want you to tell the world that Prince Demetrius, heir to the throne of Mirraccino, has been sneaking around behind everyone’s back with you. Does the king even know what his son has been up to?”

“What are you implying?”

“The readers have a right to know.” He stepped up to her, cupping her chin with his hand. “Don’t try to lie your way out of this. I already know the truth.”

“I...I won’t.” She knocked his hand away. Her skin began to crawl where he’d touched her. “You already know everything, why do you need my confession?”

He swore under his breath. “Without concrete evidence, no paper will touch this story, not when it involves nobility. No one wants to be on the wrong side of the king. But with your verbal confession, they’ll be able to verify your voice with that television interview you gave for that revitalization project. At last I’ll be able to name my price. I’ll be able to live a rich life like all of these people that I’ve had to report on—those people who don’t even know I exist. That will all change once this story breaks.”

“If all you want is money, Prince Demetrius will pay you—”

“It isn’t all I want! Haven’t you been listening? This story is going to be huge—it will be award winning. I’ll be famous and rich. You wouldn’t begrudge me my moment in the spotlight, would you?”

She shook her head vigorously.

The tension in his face eased. “You know, I’ve been watching you this past month—getting to know you. You’re a good person. Much too good for the likes of that playboy prince.”

As the man rambled on, she couldn’t help but think this guy had it all turned around. She was the one who was damaged goods, not Demetrius. But she wasn’t going to argue with this man. He’d obviously lost a firm grip on reality.

“So, now you will confess that you are in fact married to Prince Demetrius.” He held the voice recorder up to her. Her gaze darted to the door. “Don’t try running again. You won’t like what happens if you do.” The man patted his pocket as though he were armed. “You’re not getting away this time.”

* * *

Demetrius’s body tensed.

He took in the scene unfolding in front of him. The wide-eyed fear written all over Zoe’s face and the short, stout man leering at her.

So this was who’d been stalking Zoe. Well, no more. Anger drowned out any other thought of protocol. Demetrius rushed forth. When the stalker turned, Demetrius’s clenched hand connected with the man’s jaw. The man went down to the ground in a heap.

Zoe let out a scream. The security detail that Demetrius had ordered to remain at the doorway so he could speak to Zoe in private came rushing into the garden.

Once the stalker was detained, Demetrius rushed over to Zoe. He reached out to her. Her body trembled as he pulled her to him.

“It’s okay. You’re safe now.”

His arms wrapped tightly around her. He pressed her head to his chest. He hadn’t been that scared since—since his mother had been shot. He closed his eyes, willing away the painful memories.

“I have a right to be here!” the man yelled. “The people have a right to know what their future ruler is up to with his supposed interior designer. Care to add a comment about your secret marriage?”

“Take him away,” Demetrius called out. “Charge him with everything you can think of.”

The men moved toward the door with the reporter fighting them. “What? You don’t have a comment. Too bad. This is all going to come out. You can’t hide.”

Once the man was gone, Zoe pulled away from Demetrius. When he reached out to her again, she said, “Don’t.”

“Zoe, relax. You’re safe now.”

She wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head. “This—you and I—we...we aren’t going to work. I can’t do this.”

Her words struck like daggers to his heart. “You’re wrong. This time around will be different, I’m different.”

“But I’m not. I can’t have my life on display for the world.”

“You’re in shock. You don’t know what you’re saying—”

“I’m speaking the truth.” Her voice was eerily calm. “I can’t be the kind of princess you need—you deserve.”

Tags: Jennifer Faye Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024