Captivated by the Greek - Page 27

Mel gazed about her, fizzing with excitement and wonder. Bermuda, the fabulous hotel, the glittering blue sea, the heat, the palm trees, the vivid exotic flowers tumbling everywhere over walls, the glimpse of a sparkling marble pool a few steps beyond the terrace—they were all real. No dream, no mere photo in a travel brochure, but all, all real.

And real, too, was the man standing beside her. Inside the fizzing champagne of excitement in her veins she felt her blood gave a kick, shooting adrenaline through her system.

Nikos was right here, beside her. She’d grabbed the strong, warm hand he’d held out to her and run off with him, winging across the wide Atlantic to land here, on this beautiful, gorgeous island in the sun.

She turned and grinned at him. ‘It’s just absolutely fantastic!’ she exclaimed. ‘I can’t believe I’m really here.’

‘Believe it,’ Nikos assured her, his eyes smiling as they rested on her. Drinking her in.

Her long golden hair was caught back with a scarf, but the breeze was blowing it into a halo around her head, and her face was alight with pleasure as she gazed around, eyes wide. His breath caught at her beauty.

And the hotel was perfect—tucked away on a promontory overlooking the long, reef-fringed south shore beaches to the east and a calm, sheltered bay to the west, perfect for sailing. The accommodation was low-rise, pastel-painted cottage-style rooms, all with sea views.

‘Is this where your banking conference is going to be?’ she asked Nikos.

Nikos shook his head. ‘No, that’s taking place at one of the much larger, more modern hotels, closer to the airport.’ He reached for the jug of chilled orange juice that a server had just placed on the table with a smile. ‘I’ll take a taxi there on the day I have to speak.’ He glanced at Mel. ‘Do you want to come along?’

She gave him a mischievous smile. ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ she assured him. ‘Seeing you in your natural environment.’

He made a slight face. ‘My natural environment?’ he echoed. ‘Is that what you think?’

She looked at him. ‘I don’t know,’ she answered. ‘I don’t know you well enough, Nikos.’

Her voice was sober suddenly, her expression uncertain. Did she want to know Nikos? Did it matter to her who he was? Wasn’t he just a fantastic, gorgeous man whose company she enjoyed and who could melt her with a kiss? Wasn’t that enough for her?

He reached across the table with his hand, just grazing her cheek with his fingers. The gesture was soft, fleeting. Reassuring.

‘There is no rush,’ he said. ‘We’re here to enjoy ourselves.’

The smile was in his eyes, on his lips. She nodded, relaxing now. He saw it, and was glad.

‘Speaking of which...’ He took a mouthful of freshly squeezed orange juice. ‘What do you want to do after breakfast?’

Mel’s answer was immediate. ‘Hit the beach!’ she enthused. ‘I can’t wait to get into that water. It’s like something out of a travel brochure.’

‘Great idea,’ he agreed. ‘The beach it is. We’ll laze the morning away—and very possibly the afternoon, too.’

Which was exactly what they did.

After a leisurely breakfast, with Nikos regaling Mel with all he knew about Bermuda, they went back to their rooms to change into beach clothes. As she let herself into her room Mel knew she was grateful to Nikos for being sufficiently sensitive to the impulsive nature of their holiday together and reserving separate rooms.

Yes, she knew—oh, she most certainly knew—what she had committed herself to, but to have arrived last evening, jet-lagged as she’d been, and to have been thrust into the immediate intimacy of sharing a room—a bed—would have been too...too... Well, too awkward, really.

And definitely too rushed. When they came together—a little frisson of excitement shimmered through her at the thought—it would be when they were relaxed, comfortable with each other, and with a wonderful sense of anticipation having been built up during the day and heightened to heady passion in the evening...

Then he’ll take me in his arms, kiss me as he kissed me before. But this time...oh, this time it will not be will be the very opposite.

Nikos and me, embracing, entwining, his mouth on mine, his body clasped by mine, only passion and desire between us...

She gave her head a quick shake to clear the image.

Yes, well, that was for later. For now, she had to change into her new swimsuit, which would be christened in the turquoise waters of Bermuda.

Another little quiver of disbelief went through her as yet again the realisation of just where she was impacted. How absolutely gorgeous it all was.

Tags: Julia James Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024