Crazy (The Gibson Boys 4) - Page 89

My shoulders sag as I watch these two men try not to find amusement in this situation. But the longer they try to hold it in, the harder it is. When Lance walks up, they all start to laugh.

He leans forward, his head dipping into the odd-shaped circle we’ve formed, and whispers, “I think Nana’s getting lucky tonight.”

Walker shoves his brother, knocking him off balance.

“So,” Machlan says, running his hands through his hair, “I still don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to invite her here. I’m never gonna be able to look at this place the same way again.”

“No shit.” Lance nods toward the actual bar. “Our grandmother just ordered a drink. With her date.”

“In pearls,” Walker adds.

“I think it’s kind of cute,” I say.

“No one asked you.” Walker grins. “Okay, so I’ve had enough of this fucking gossip bullshit tonight. I’m going to go find some whiskey and watch this play out. You,” he says pointing at me. He pauses as if he was going to say something else. Instead, he shakes his head with a little smirk and walks away.

I scan the bar but don’t see Peck. I wonder if he left. Panic begins to set in as I turn a complete circle and come up with nothing.

“Hey,” Machlan says.

I turn back around. “Yeah?”

“All joking aside. What’s happening?”

“Okay. I needed to do something to show Peck that I love him. I just, um … Well, I want him to trust me. That I won’t leave him. That … just …”

I don’t know how to explain it. Not really. I don’t know how to put into words that I want him to know I love him, and I don’t want to say those words until I say them to him. Because I’m not sure anyone’s ever really said that to him and meant it like I do.

Lance nods. “We get it. We may act all tough on the outside, but we’re really pussies when it comes to our women.”

“Fuck you. I’m not,” Machlan says.

Lance rolls his eyes.

“I was telling Nana today that I wanted to do something really special for him. To show him that I love him, but I didn’t know what to do or how or when.” I blow out a nervous breath. “So we decided I’d do it here. In front of his friends. Just put it all out there. And the next thing I know, she’s decided she’s coming.”

Machlan’s head cocks to the side.

“Oh, don’t look at me like that,” I say. “Like I want to profess my love for your cousin in front of your grandmother. In a bar. Come on now.”

Lance puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I believe you. I think Nana just wanted a night on the town. Look at her.”

We turn to see Nana and Old Man Dave dancing some 1930s jig. I’m sure the tempo would’ve been faster and probably not to today’s hip-hop, but it works. Strangely. And it’s one of the sweetest things I’ve ever seen.

“That’s what I want out of life,” I say.

“It’s what everyone wants,” Lance agrees. “I mean, mostly. I don’t think Mariah is the type to order a Manhattan, and I’m definitely not wearing a tie with … are those koalas?”

“Maybe,” I say, unsure.

Machlan sighs. “Well, I’m not thrilled she’s in here. But I am happy she’s … I guess she’s happy.”

We watch as Nana throws her head back and laughs a full-bellied laugh.

“I think that’s a safe bet,” Lance says.


My heart warms as I watch her. If Nana can find the balls to show her love in a bar, then so can I.

“Machlan, would it be okay if I borrowed your bar?” I ask.

“I think you already have.”

“No,” I say. “Like, for real. Can I jump on the bar and—”

“Can I have your attention, please?”

My stomach bottoms out as I turn and see Peck standing in front of Navie.

On the bar.

The music has been stopped.

A few shouts come from the back for Peck to dance, but he runs his hand through the air. “No dancing tonight. Sorry. I know you really just come for that.”

Machlan scoffs beside me, making me laugh.

“Tonight, I want to make a little announcement.” He looks around until he finds me. His face softens, and a smile that I only see when it’s the two of us graces his lips. “I want to say something to the woman I love—”

“No!” I don’t mean to shout it through the bar, but I do. “Stop!”

Peck’s face falls.

My stomach twists as I dash toward him. I climb on top of a barstool, wobbling as I get my balance, and step onto the bar.

The eyes of everyone inside the establishment are on us, on this little show we’re putting on that should really be done in private. But this is not how it was supposed to go down.

Tags: Adriana Locke The Gibson Boys Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024