Her Biker Wolf (Obsessed Mates 2) - Page 38

Forge shakes his head. “Not possible. I need to go in and pull him out.”

“You? No. No way.”

A look of surprise crosses his face. “It’s dangerous. There’s no other option.”

“And that’s why I don’t want you to go.” I throw my arms around him. “I don’t want you to put your life on the line for my idiot brother.”

He holds me tight against his chest. “But you want your brother back. And this is the only way.”

I bite down on my lip. All this time, I’ve wanted Demetrius back, more than anything. But not at the cost of my mate. Tears spring to my eyes at the thought of Forge being hurt, or worse.

“No. You’re not going,” I insist.

“The decision’s been made.” He draws back until those fierce eyes of his are locked onto mine. “You’re my mate, Maya, and that means I’ll do anything for you. And that includes returning your brother to your mom.”


My heart swells. I know he means it. I see the integrity in those emerald eyes of his. And it’s about the most romantic thing I can imagine.

But it’s also the worst. Totally the worst.

“Then I’m coming with you.”

His eyebrows drop down low. “No way.”

I shrug, faking nonchalance. “Your choice. Either I come with you, or you don’t go at all.”

“I won’t put you in danger like that.”

“And you think I’m going to just stay here instead? Going half-crazy by myself? Wondering what the hell’s going on?”

His face softens and he takes my hands in his. “I won’t be long. I’ll be back before you know it. This is the safest place you can be right now.”

“But what if I need to leave the island for some reason?”

“You can use the boat.”

“And then what? How am I gonna get back to civilization? Haven’t thought this through, have you, huh?”

He frowns. “Guess you could call a taxi?”

I shake my head. We both know that’s not gonna fly. “Or maybe you’ll ride off into the sunset, forget you left some girl here on the island.”

A roar bursts from his lips. “Never! I’ll think about you every second we’re apart.”

“What if something else distracts you?”

Shock passes across his eyes. “I love you, Maya. Nothing would ever distract me from you.”

My breath catches. “D-did you say you love me?”

Forge looks a little shocked and his lips work silently. “I know it’s real early. And it probably sounds crazy. But I’m in love with you, Maya.”

I blink fast, then I shake my head. “It doesn’t sound crazy, because I love you too, Forge.”

He sweeps me up into his arms, and I cling to him, and we kiss hungrily, our mouths wet from the tears that are spilling down my cheeks.

He loves me, my fierce, growly werewolf.

Tags: Ariana Hawkes Obsessed Mates Paranormal
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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