Vicious Dynasty (Reign & Ruin 3) - Page 85

Eyes, one like mine and the other his mother’s stared at me full of happiness I never wanted to take away from him. He gave me a mostly toothless grin that brought his deep dimples and babbled bullshit no one could ever understand aside from maybe Romeo.

His hefty body wriggled as he went for my snowman tie. I guess his bowtie wasn’t good enough to chew and fucking slobber on.

I looked down at Rhiannon the second I heard her soft sigh. Her long, silky hair was down, nearly reaching her peach-shaped ass. What being pregnant had done to her body, even thinking about it had me ready to fuck her like some savage beast.

She rested her head on her arm and smiled at me. “Hi.”

“Feel better?”

“I think we both needed that nap. Your child is you, Judas. In Boss Baby form.”

I grinned and kissed the top of Jeremiah’s dark head of hair.

He could be an ornery little asshole, something he undoubtedly got from his mother, but we fucking loved this kid.

Rhiannon swore I had switched her birth control pills on our honeymoon. I’d done so long before then, but fortunately, JB was created while I was fucking her in Venice. I was able to create a narrative around that.

Birth control isn’t always one hundred percent effective. She might have missed a day, which she did.

When she demanded I prove I hadn’t swapped the pills, the real ones had already been put back in their place. It was amazing what you could do when you had doctors on your payroll.

She’d said it herself in the end after trying to curse me out of the hospital room.

He was her favorite surprise.

She was mine.

I reached out and ran my hand through her long hair. “Are you happy, principessa?”

She sat up and adjusted her sexy red dress, coming closer to rest her head on my shoulder. “I’m very happy.”

I held her with one arm and our son with my other, feeling exactly the same. Sooner or later, I’d have to tell her the truth about her mother. That wasn’t going to be today.

Today we would enjoy our son’s first holiday with our famiglia and then we’d spend the night wrapped up in each other. We had plenty of time for all the bullshit life would undeniably toss at us.

Our story had only just begun.


Tags: Natalie Bennett Reign & Ruin Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024