Bully Next Door - Page 25

“Funny you should say that because I need one as well.” He pulled her into his arms, and she groaned.

“I’m way too heavy.”

“Not a chance.”

“What happened to calling me Verity the ton?” she asked.

“That guy is a dick and you should be biting his dick off.”

“But I love it when he’s inside me,” Verity said.

He groaned. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? Making it impossible for me to walk.”

She pressed her lips against his neck. “Is it working?”

“Yeah, but you should be more worried about yourself,” he said.


“I’m getting hard again, and that means your pussy is going to get a pounding.”

She didn’t have a single problem with that. “I look forward to it, but first, a shower.”

He carried her to the shower, putting her inside the stall and turning on the water. Hector took the full brunt of the cold, waiting for it to heat up before allowing her to step beneath the spray.

The little things like that made it hard for her to hate him or to attempt to keep her distance. She didn’t know what the hell was going on with Hector and herself, but what she did know was that she didn’t want to lose it.

Chapter Eight


Hector couldn’t keep the smile off his face the following morning when he woke up next to his dream girl.

Verity was fast asleep.

He had taken her twice more last night. Both times without a condom, and as he lay next to her, he felt a stirring for round number one.

This was the first time she had allowed him to stay over. Every other time, she’d kicked him out of bed or climbed right out of it to go home. Not this time. This time, he was asleep beside her.

Sometime during the night, Cutie had snuck in, and she was nestled at the bottom of the bed, looking all cute and adorable.

The curtains weren’t thick, and the light was streaming through. He reached out toward her and lifted a few stray curls from her face. She looked so beautiful. So content.

He wished he had his cell phone so he could capture this moment.

As if on cue, Verity opened her eyes. She sighed, closed them, and then opened them again.

“I’m still here,” he said.

“I know. I remember.”

“You’re not going to kick me out?” he asked.

“Why would I do that?” She smiled at him.

“Well, we don’t have the best track record for staying in each other’s beds.”

“True. True.” She lifted up and glanced behind her. “Wow, it’s a little after eight. Don’t you want to go for your run?”

“Nah, I can wait.” He had only just woken up. “I hate to break this to you, Verity, but that was the best sleep I’ve had in years. In fact, I can’t remember a time when I slept so damn well.”

“Maybe it’s the bed.”

It could be the bed, but he had a feeling it was more down to the company beside him. Verity calmed him. She made him feel complete, and because of that, he slept so soundly, knowing she was close.

Cutie began to whine, and Verity sat up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her. “You need to go for your walk?”

Cutie barked.

“I’ve got to take her out,” Verity said.

He put his arms around her, kissing her neck. “How about I take her for a walk, and you make us both breakfast?”

“What about Sean?”

“He can fend for himself. He’s probably already stuck in front of his computer. It’ll just be us this morning.” He continued to kiss her neck until she finally relented. They climbed out of bed, and he pulled on some sweatpants that he’d left over at her place. It was such a shame to see her covering up her body. He could watch her walking around naked all day long.

Verity shooed him out of the room as she made the bed, and he clicked his tongue, getting Cutie’s attention. He found her lead in the hallway. He was just about to open the door when Verity called down to him.

“Don’t forget to take some poop bags.”

Hector cringed. “Great. Do you do giant logs or small ones?”

Cutie sat, her ears back, looking all smart and cute.

Picking up the poop bags, he opened the door and started the walk with the dog.

Cutie didn’t have to wait long before she crouched down. She peed first, and then they walked a few more feet and came to a stop where she decided to take a dump.

It smelled awful. Really bad.

There was no way he could leave it. It was right in the middle of the street.

With a poop bag in hand, and trying not to vomit in his mouth, he picked it up. Wrapping the Satan-created monstrosity, he found a trash can that accepted dog crap, and dumped it right inside.

“Damn it. If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t do such a thing.” He was going to vomit.

Tags: Sam Crescent Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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