Want Me (Mess with Me 4) - Page 29

“We’re glad to have you on board another venture, Mr. Lavin. Let’s hope the app’s official launch to the public is as successful as this party.”

His eyebrows raise slightly, almost as if he’s thinking about challenging the bullshit that just came out of my mouth. In the end, he just nods and then moves on. We’re both stuck between a rock and a hard place, forced to put on a happy face and I think we understand each other.

Looking around the room, I see that Anya and Seth still haven’t reappeared. Just as I’m about to go check every other closet in this place, Mya appears looking frazzled.

“James, there you are! I’ve been searching all over.”

“Is everything okay? The party seems to be going well.” As annoyed as I may be at the founder of GlowUp, I can’t deny that this launch party was a great idea.

Initially I’d been skeptical but Mya has proven herself once again. There has been nothing typical or overdone about this launch. Just in the time I’ve been here, I’ve seen quite a few people creating profiles at the computers lining the walls and the “selfie stations” Mya insisted on have been in use all night.

“Yes, it’s great. But this isn’t about the party.”

A crowd of people passes by in a cloud of noise and confusion so I follow her out of the way. She glances around warily before beckoning me closer.

“I just got a phone call. From Elizabeth.”

Suddenly all the noise in the room fades into the background. Her name shouldn’t still have the power to steal the breath from my lungs but yet here I am, breathless.

Even after ruining my life she still has power over me.

“Why is Elizabeth calling you? I didn’t think you were friends.” I don’t mean for it to come out accusatory but Mya lifts a brow in reproach.

“Sorry. I know you wouldn’t do anything shady. I was just surprised.”

“It’s okay. No, we’re definitely not friends but apparently she’s been trying to get in contact with you. Since you changed your number, I guess she’s calling everyone who knows you. My number is on our website.”

Although I don’t want to ask, pretending not to care isn’t going to fool Mya. Or anyone, really.

“Is she okay?”

“She just left a message. I wasn’t even going to tell you about it but then she kept calling. It must be pretty important.”

“I’ll call her and see what’s going on.”

She nods. “Okay. I hope I did the right thing telling you.”

“You did. No matter what she’s up to, the last thing I want is her harassing my employees. I’ll handle her. You just focus on the event. Great job on a successful launch party, by the way.”

Her smile is genuine. “Thanks. I’ll go see if Mr. Barrington wants to say a few words before we wrap things up.”

“Could you let me know when you find him?” At her shocked look, I realize

my voice is suddenly very loud. I clear my throat. “I’d like to congratulate him before the night is over. That’s all.”

“Of course. I’m sure he’d appreciate knowing the owner of the agency is giving his account so much personal attention.”

Yeah, personal attention.

I’m pretty sure he’s getting lots of up close and personal attention from Anya right now.

Before anyone else has a chance to ask me anything or otherwise interfere, I retreat to the corner and then bring up my phone app. Deleting all of her information was more of a symbolic gesture than anything else. I don’t need a contact on my phone to remember the number I used to dial everyday. There was a time when Elizabeth was my favorite person to talk to.

Sure, I could be petty and refuse to call her back but what would that really prove? Especially since I know I won’t get any rest until I know what’s wrong with her.

What if she’s sick? Or in some kind of trouble?

She hurt me but the emotions that come from being married for so long didn’t disappear the day we signed our divorce papers.

Tags: M. Malone Mess with Me Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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