All I Need is You (The Alexanders 4) - Page 35

“Baby? What baby?” Carly eyed her suspiciously.

Kay pointed to the living room where Hope was standing on her tiptoes, trying to see over the side of the baby gate. “Peek-a, Peek-a!” she squealed when she caught sight of the newcomer.

“She’s trying to say peekaboo, I think. She always does that when she sees someone new.” Kay pulled out the nonperishable items and stored them in the small pantry.

“Oh, well that’s adorable,” Carly admitted grudgingly.

Eli appeared in the doorway then. “Thanks for bringing the food, Carly. Is there anything you need me to sign?”

Carly glanced back at Kay once more before she pulled a sheaf of papers from her tote bag. “Yes, just a few things.”

Eli scanned each page before scrawling his name at the bottom. When he got to the last page, he signed it and handed the whole stack back. “That should do it. Remember, I don’t want anyone at HQ to know I’m back in town. It won’t be for long.”

“Oh? You’re going back home again then?” There was no disguising the disappointment in the other woman’s voice.

Kay turned back to the refrigerator and fiddled with the containers she’d just placed in there. Even though she didn’t want to leave the other woman alone with Eli, it didn’t mean she didn’t empathize with her. She knew exactly what it felt like to want a man, all the while knowing he was way out of your league.

Although she didn’t really understand why the other woman was acting threatened by her being here. His assistant was slim and pretty with the kind of body that Kaylee could only wish for. If that wasn’t good enough for Eli, then her own chances with him were officially less than zero.

“I’ll be going back home soon, yes. I’m not sure when though. Either way, I won’t be accessible by phone or e-mail for a while. Just tell everyone I’m on vacation.”

“Vacation?” The incredulity in her voice was hard to miss. “Bu

t you never go on vacation. Not really. You were checking e-mails on Christmas.” There was a long silence before she said, “I guess you really are going home.”

Kay didn’t turn around until she heard the front door close quietly. Eli still stood at the counter, his shirtsleeves pushed up to reveal his thick forearms. His eyes rose to hers. “Sorry about that.”

“When did you guys break up?”

A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips. “Was it that obvious? I should have known you’d catch on. Smart girl.”

Kay ignored the sharp thrill of pleasure his words brought. She shouldn’t care so much that Eli thought she was smart. “I have some experience with being rejected.”

Eli stood up straight, his jaw tight. “I hope you’re not comparing me to the asshole you were dating last summer?”

“No. You’re nothing like Craig. I’m just saying that even when the guy is trying to let you down easy, it still hurts to want something you can’t have.”

Eli came over and planted a hand on the counter next to her, blocking her in. Kay took a deep breath and then immediately regretted it. He was so close and he smelled so good. Now she would have his scent on her brain for the rest of the night.

“Kay, about the other night—”

She held up a hand to stop him. “I think we’ve already said all we need to say. You’re not interested in settling down. I get it.”

He opened his mouth to protest, then seemed to think better of it. “Like I said, it’s just not possible.”

“I think we have different ideas about what that word means. You say not possible, but I say not interested. And that’s okay.”

Eli regarded her with a tense look before he finally gave a sharp nod. “I set up the playpen in the third bedroom already. My mom sent along some sheets and baby blankets in case you need those.”

“Thank you. I’ve just been putting her in warm pajamas. Then I don’t stay up all night terrified that she’ll get tangled up in a lot of bedding.”

Eli followed behind her as she carried Hope down the hall.

“I’m going to rock her for a while. It’ll probably take her a little longer to fall asleep since we’re in a new place.”

“Okay. Don’t forget, the motion detectors will be on tonight, so you’ll need to disable it to walk around during the night.”

“I doubt I’ll be walking around. I didn’t realize until just now how tired I am.”

Tags: M. Malone The Alexanders Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024