Deeper (The Deep Duet 2) - Page 34

Rafe pulled her close and leaned down until their lips met. “You’re not alone, Diana. You’ll never be alone.”

Suddenly desperate again, she grabbed him and tunneled her hands in his hair. Their kiss quickly turned deep and hot. Rafe shifted her back and rolled a condom down his impressive erection and then rolled her over.

There was no preamble. Instead, with gritted teeth he slid home. The first thrust almost took her over, it felt so good. Rafe must have felt it too because his mouth fell open. Curious, Diana rolled her hips and reveled in his reaction as he cursed viciously and thrust harder. Moaning softly with every swing of his hips, she strained against him, trying to open herself as fully as possible. She wanted him as deep as he could get. She wanted everything he had to give.

“You’re mine now, Diana. Do you understand? I protect what’s mine.”

Diana nodded as the first wave of her orgasm threatened, the pleasure just hovering at the edge, waiting to crash over her. Like always, Rafe sensed that she was right on the edge. His thumb snuck between them to where they were joined and started circling her clit in time with his thrusts. The added stimulation ratcheted up the sensation until Diana felt the first coil of that incredible tension unwind.

“Rafe, oh my God.”

His eyes stayed on her the whole time, as if greedy for the sight of her losing control. It made her release even more powerful to have his eyes on her as she came apart. She shuddered beneath him as he continued to bury himself deep until it finally proved too much and Rafe gave in too. His low growl of satisfaction was almost as satisfying as all the rest. Lost in the sweet aftermath of her own orgasm, Diana watched as Rafe closed his eyes and his jaw clenched. All those tight, chiseled muscles flexed as he thrust deep once more, holding himself inside her for a long time.

Finally he let out a long sigh and rested his head between her breasts.

Chapter Eleven

Rafe watched her sleep. Yes, it was creepy. But he couldn’t help it. He loved her. He needed to keep her safe. And he would do whatever it took. It was pretty much all he’d been doing for the past few days. When he shifted, the bed dipped a little, and Diana instinctively nuzzled in to him. And what do you know? His dick was ready for show time. Cool it. Now was not the time.

She needed sleep. And he, well, he had some calls to make. Rafe wanted to do some checking up on the FBI servers about the accounts Diana had given them. And he also wanted to place a call to Matthias. Because while the FBI had their own people on it, there was no one he trusted more to hack the dark web. The kid was good. Better than good. He was legendary. And these days, Matthias was one of the good guys. At least that’s what Noah told him. Rafe trusted Noah with his life. So that trust extended to the kid too.

Rafe slid his arm out from under Diana, careful not to wake her. His dick, displeased about the latest development, instinctively twitched toward her. Down boy. We have work to do.

He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and headed straight for his office. Closing the door behind him, he sat at his desk and opened his laptop, immediately pulling up the FBI access. For a long moment he held his breath as he waited to see if his access had been blocked. He knew he’d put Alan in a tough spot by protecting Diana, but it was for good reason, and he wouldn’t apologize for it.

He was mildly shocked when he was allowed full access with his full security clearance. While he had the access, he’d take advantage of it.

Rafe pulled all the information that they had on the Jewel of the Sea. And all the information he’d provided around the time of Diana’s father’s death. He jumped through file after file, eventually stopping and giving up. Without help, this could take weeks. Pulling out his cell phone, he made the call. Matthias answered on the first ring.

“What’s on fire?” was Matthias’s first question.

/> “Nothing’s on fire. More like low embers.”

“You know, funny thing, when you’re a right sot, fires tend to follow you around.”

Rafe frowned. “Not sure what the fuck you just said, but I’m guessing it was the British version of fuck off?”

Matthias whistled. “Right you are.”

“Look, I can apologize again, but I think we both know that if I had to do it again, I would. You would have done it too because you and I are one and the same. And normally I’d be happy to indulge this little blood feud. Hell, anytime you want to throw hands or knives, I’m in. But right now I have a woman that needs protection. And I can’t let her down.”

There was a pause. “What do you need?”

And that was the kid. Direct and straight to the point. He needn’t have worried Matthias would be asleep. From what he’d managed to gather from Noah, Matthias, more than any of them, had a difficult time with the transition to civilian life. He still slept like he could be called on a mission anytime, getting no more than three or four hours a night. Rafe understood the reasoning. That feeling of always being on edge. But there was only so long that the kid could do that. Sooner or later he would crash.

“The Jewel of the Sea. Have you been able to find anything else on it?”

“I’ve been hunting. Mostly, you know the history behind it. It’s been in Diana’s family for generations. The thing is damn near priceless. Last appraisal was $50 million.”

Rafe whistled low. “Jesus, no wonder Klinkov wants it.”

“Tell me about it. Your woman, she’s the rightful owner. With that diamond alone, her net worth is astonishing. I’m surprised her brothers haven’t tried to take her out.”

Rafe clenched his jaw. “What the fuck?”

“Shit. That’s not what I meant. It was more of a philosophical thing. Diana’s great. Obviously I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

Rafe snorted. The kid was even more antisocial than he was. “Fine. Tell me some stuff I don’t know.”

Tags: M. Malone The Deep Duet Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024