Kiss Me (Hart of Stone Family 3) - Page 6

Asa Calling. My phone tells me who’s calling, something I make sure is muted when I’m around a few certain people. I literally just put my feet to the floor. He’s been at work for two hours, and I still have another hour till I need to be at the office.

“Good morning,” I answer the phone, my voice still laced with sleep.

“Hey, babe, you still in bed?”

“Do you even have to ask such a heinous question?” I retort with a small snort.

“Nope, just making sure you didn’t turn off your alarms and run out the door with nothing but your pajamas on, giving the neighbors one hell of a show that sadly I missed out on.” You sleep through your alarm clock once, and you never live it down.

“Har, har, Mister Perfect Pants.” I stand up, holding the phone between my chin and shoulder so I can stretch.

“Montana, I’d have missed work to watch that, and I’m not perfect, babe, far from it. I’m working late tonight. Wanted to give you a heads-up.”

“I guess that makes two of us,” I grumble my displeasure.

“Alright, we’ll play tonight by ear, but want you in bed with me no matter what.” See what I mean? Asa isn’t perfect, not by a long shot. No one is, not me, not his sister or his brothers. There isn’t one person on this planet who’s perfect, but Asa is perfect for me.

“Works for me. Have a good day and try not to piss anyone off,” I joke because nine times out ten, that’s what happens, and I’m the one busting a gut laughing at his stories.

“That’ll be the day. See you tonight, Montana Rose.” The deep baritone in his voice as he says my name hits me deep and hard.

“Later, Asa.” We hang up. I look at the time and know it’s going to be one of those mornings that will have me scrambling. One day, I’ll get up early. Today clearly isn’t that day, and tomorrow isn’t looking promising either.



“Fuck.” I walk through the door to my house after a long-ass day. It being a Monday and having safety meetings as well as progress meetings for the jobs we’re on didn’t help either. Some are behind, some are ahead of schedule, then there’s one that would take Hart Construction to a whole other level. It’s exciting, but the heaviness clung in the air in our main office hub between all five of us. It didn’t seem like we were on the same page, except Deke; he was ready to jump in with both feet. Tanner and Keller basically said they’re out when it comes to traveling on the weekdays. That was a given with them being married and having a family. Leena didn’t pipe in with any ideas, which told me all I needed to know. She wasn’t ready for the next step. I hung back, arms crossed over my chest, legs crossed at my ankles, and looked around the room. Damn Deke and his need for change. Swear to God, if he persuades the other siblings to take this lead, I’ll knock his teeth in. There’s no way I want to be on the road five days a week. My house is here, Montana is here, and it’s not like I’m getting any younger either. Plus, does the dumbass not realize the strain it’ll put on everyone else if two of us are gone at the same time? That’s why I piped up before leaving the office, letting them know if we take the deal, I don’t want any part of it. Since I didn’t crack my usual jokes or quick-witted remarks, it must have slid home. Leena’s shoulders dropped from her ears, Tanner’s eyebrows rose to his hairline, and Keller’s head tilted to the side in what I guess was wonderment. It was Deke who said, “Fuck, man, why would you want to miss out on taking Hart to the next level?”

“Sometimes, money and notoriety aren’t all there is, baby brother,” was my response before I walked out the door. That probably shocked the shit out of all of them. The thing is, we’ve all been chasing something since Tanner started Hart Construction. I’m thirty now; it’s not the time to be out there looking at expanding into a different state. Sure, Alabama isn’t that far away from our central location, but it’s not what I want either.

I walk towards the fridge, needing a beer after this long-ass day, really wanting something stronger. The only reason I’m not reaching for the Jameson is because of work tomorrow. I grab my beer, noticing that Montana’s favorite drinks are sitting beside it, and I’m sure she’ll have one tonight, too, judging from her phone call this morning and the couple of texts we squeezed in today. The one telling me she’s about to walk out without notice if Jim doesn’t pull his head out of his ass. Jim, who is her boss, an arrogant prick who fucks up nine times out of ten and openly blames it on his associates. I’d have encouraged her to do it, hell, I have in the past. After she shut me down a few times after explaining her dreams, wanting a nest egg in case the next thing doesn’t work out, I got it.

Tags: Tory Baker Hart of Stone Family Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024