Midlife Love Affair - Page 50

“Your girl is incredible, Levi. She is the real deal. Have you seen the most recent footage she sent, of her and Garcia cleaning and gutting fish together while talking world politics? Good shit, man. Very good shit.”

His talked on, all the while my gaze remained fixed on Lacey on the television. She was beautiful and mussed, smiling and laughing at whatever the charming rebel was saying.

“I’m sorry what?”

Saul’s deep laugh turned into a cough. “That woman is a natural. With that hint of country accent, her fresh face, and the fact that she’s beautiful and intelligent? I’m tempted to poach her from her small town.”

And from me. I growled and Saul laughed at me.

“Now I see exactly why you don’t want to come back to civilization. I wouldn’t come back either.”

“She is part of it, but not the only part.” Mickey and GG were both looking up at the television. At Lacey. “What else?”

“I looked over the footage she sent last night, and it has some good information in it, including the exact national park, which is still near thirty square kilometers. There are Army guys nearby and ready to perform ex-fil as soon as their location has been pinpointed.”

“That’s good news, Saul. Really good news. Thanks.”

“I should be thanking you for sending me a gorgeous woman who can talk world events while gutting a fish. That’s gotta be one of those fetish videos or something, especially if you throw in the twang.” Saul laughed again, the way he did when he knew he had something good in his hands.

“Happy to return the favor after all these years.” Saul had sent me on some of the most exciting and terrifying trips of my career, giving me first bite at every war, every conflict, coup and inauguration around the world. He was one of the main reasons I’d had the career I did. “How are the numbers on this story?”

“Through the roof. The American people are paying attention, especially after this last interview that’s been playing on a loop since midnight, gunfire in the distance.”

“I’m going to check Carson Creek Online.”

“No need,” Saul shouted. “It’s not going to be able to handle the capacity, so do what you can for her until she gets back.”

I smiled at the way he was already so protective of Lacey. “I’ll take care of it, not until after I spread the word that she’s all right.” If the town hadn’t already heard about it. “Thanks again, Saul. For everything.”

“No thanks necessary. One day I’m going to ask you both to jump on a plane and cover a story together and you’re going to say yes.”

I laughed and ended the call, wondering if that trip would come sooner rather than later. And then another thought came to me, a selfish stupid thought that made me feel like the world’s worst boyfriend. Lacey’s career was on the way up, if that’s what she wanted, and mine was here in Carson Creek with Mickey and Michelle. Would I now be on the receiving end of the life I’d inflicted on my ex and my daughter for decades?

That was a rough thought, and a selfish one I was ashamed to admit to out loud.

“Good news?” I looked up and found GG eyeing me warily. “About my little girl?”

“Somewhat.” I passed on Saul’s information to GG with the hope that it would activate the gossip chain in town so I wouldn’t have to. “Ready to go Mickey?”

The little boy nodded. “I’m hungry Grandpa.”

“All right, go get your things.” I stood and stretched my back, feeling my shoulders a little less stressed than they had been when I woke up this morning. “Are you going to be all right GG?”

“Now that I know the good ol’ U.S. Army is looking for my little girl? Yeah, I’m fine. You?”

“I’ll be better when she’s back here.” In my arms.

“You and me both.” GG waved me off. “Go on and feed little Mickey. He’s got a ton of energy for a starving child.”

I laughed. “Tell me about it. See you in the morning. I’ll call if I have any information.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Mickey and I made our way home where a big pot of steak chili was bubbling in the slow cooker waiting for us. The front door flew open as soon as my key turned in the door, and Michelle stood there with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her face. “Dad, oh my god you haven’t said a thing!” She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me inside. “Lacey,” she sighed. “I saw her on TV.”

I returned the hug with all the energy I could muster. The news about Lacey had zapped some of my strength, or maybe it was that I could finally breathe a little easier knowing there was a plan in place, that she was all right. “She’s okay, and the Army is involved now.”

Tags: Piper Sullivan Romance
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