Donuts and Handcuffs - Page 11

Daniel set a plastic bag on the chair, then came to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge and taking my left hand gently. “I brought you some fresh clothes,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

Taking a deep breath, I nodded, trying to smile while hoping my hair wasn’t a disaster. “I’m okay.”

He looked at me strangely. “It’s okay to not be okay sometimes, Bailey.”

The nurse wheeled the IV rack aside a bit so that she had room to stretch out my arm, and I instantly felt woozy, knowing what was coming next.

Pulling me into his chest, Daniel held my cheek against his heart. “Just breathe. It’s only one second. Shh.” He stroked my back, warming me straight through, making me flush with embarrassment. But I was partially distracted by that faint smell of hot man that burned through my senses. I clutched his hand tightly, and he squeezed back.

My involuntary squeal was muffled against his uniform shirt as I felt the sensation of the metal needle pulling out of my vein, then my skin. My heart began to race like a chased rabbit.

“Slow breathing,” Daniel said into my hair.

Then there was a cotton pad, tape, and the nurse tapping my arm as I started to breathe almost normally again. “All over, honey. You can relax now.”

The feeling of his large hand against my hair, cupping the back of my skull was strangely intimate, especially in front of a stranger. Peeling me off his shirt, he examined my eyes. “All better?”

I nodded, embarrassed at being so childish. I was even more embarrassed that part of me wanted to make another excuse to lean into his arms.

“The doctor told you to take it easy, now, didn’t he?” the nurse asked.

I swallowed hard and took a breath. “Yes.”

“And you’re going to let this nice officer take you home and take care of you?”


“Yes, ma’am,” he said quickly. “I’ll set her up with food and movies for the rest of the day.”

“Good,” she said, patting my hand gently. “Let him baby you a little. It’s good to let men think they’re useful,” she winked. “Do you need help getting dressed?”

“I’m fine, thanks,” I answered quickly.

She smiled widely, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Daniel stood up so that I could swing my legs off the bed.

“Slowly,” he said gently, handing me a plastic bag containing yoga pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt. “I just grabbed these on the way here. Likely not your style, but it’ll do to get you home.”

I laughed at the soft black leggings covered in pink and teal donuts. “Thank you.”

“Do you need help?”

My traitorous cheeks were flushing. “I think I’m okay.”

He reached behind me to unfasten the two ties of my shapeless green gown. I couldn’t tell if it was an accident when his fingers trailed along my back for a second, but it felt so nice. So right. Then he turned to stand at the window with his back to me while I dressed quickly and finger-combed my hair.

“I’m ready.”

He picked up the empty bag, and the bag with my blood-soaked clothing, wrapping an arm around me. “Are you okay to walk?”

“Yes, thank you.” The way he was touching me was so casual. I guess he’d been in control of my body while I was out, but I was reacting too. I needed to touch him every chance, every excuse I could.

I didn’t want to admit how lonely I’d been. I’d never been able to express my cuddly nature. Spending the night wrapped in Daniel’s arms must have shifted something inside me, opening that door I’d kept shut for so long.

We went out to his cruiser, and he gently tucked me into the front seat. I’ve been terrified of being in a cop car my entire life, but I’d never imagined a scenario like this.

As we drove to the bakery, I heard him clear his throat nervously as we paused at a red light. “I hope I didn’t overstep polite boundaries, but you weren’t available for consultation.”

“What do you mean?” It was my turn to give him the shifty eyes until he smirked.

Tags: Haley Travis Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024