Snipping Up Love (Insta Love Shy Girl Romance 5) - Page 18

“Baby, you look a bit tired. Or is that just because you had decaf this morning instead of regular coffee?” he chuckled.

I waved to the guys who were installing the vent, and led Dan outside. “Honey, do you remember when we were in Europe, and you were jumping me every ten seconds?”

His gorgeous face lit up in the cockiest, most adorable grin. “I couldn’t help myself, baby.”

“And you remember how a few times weren’t exactly as careful as others?”

“What do you–” He became still as a statue. Then he swallowed hard.

I smiled and nodded.

Dan fell to his knees in front of me, holding my hands up between us. “Little one, are you telling me that there’s going to be another little one?” It was adorable that his normally booming, commanding voice was shaking.

I nodded, biting my lip. I didn’t know why I was so nervous.

Gently pulling me toward him, he kissed my dress over my stomach. “I love you already, little creature,” he murmured. “Please be good and don’t give mommy any trouble.”

Glancing around, I saw people staring at us strangely. Our driver Larry was absolutely grinning from ear to ear as he realized what was going on, since he’d driven me to the doctor this afternoon.

Dan stood up, clutching me to him and kissing me in a way that was nearly indecent for public viewing. Then he hurried us into the back of the car. “I need to get you home and naked now,” he growled, that commanding tone rumbling through his chest, making me tingle straight through my entire body.

“So, you’re okay that it happened so fast?”

“Baby, the only thing that stopped me from trying to get you pregnant the first week we were dating was that it wouldn’t quite look proper. I wanted it to happen on our honeymoon.”

“You’re terrible,” I grinned.

“And you love it,” he chuckled, pulling me into his lap and kissing me so hard I wasn’t sure whether we’d even make it back to the condo in time.

I straddled him in the back seat as we devoured each other, shamelessly moving against each other completely indecently through our clothes. At our condo, the normally fast elevator was too slow, as his hand slipped under my skirt and into my panties


“I love that you’re always so wet for me,” he groaned. He picked me up as the doors opened, and I kicked my shoes off as he carried me down the hall, letting them fall to the floor before he tossed me on the bed.

A few times when we had been in Europe, we had made love without a condom because we were in the shower or somewhere else we didn’t have one handy. But he’d pulled out more or less in time.

Since that method had failed so spectacularly, knowing what was to come filled us both with complete unbridled lust.

He tore his clothes off in seconds, then his lips met mine as he eased inside me inch by thick inch. My breathing faltered as a low moan rang through me.

Then Dan stopped, pulling me up to stand on my knees, facing me toward the giant mirror of the dresser. Entering me again slowly from behind, we were able to watch our bodies moving as one as he sank deep.

Reaching back, I locked my fingers behind his neck as he spooned me, his huge hands caressing my breasts as he thrust slow and steady. Then one hand slid down to my belly, rubbing gently.

“You’re going to be even sexier now, little one.”

I tilted my head up so that he could nibble along the side of my neck. I felt his teeth dig slightly into my skin as I moaned louder.

“Yes,” I gasped. “Are you still going to do this when I’m all round? When my breasts are huge?”

His eyes blazed into mine through the mirror. “Baby, if you think I was horny before, you have no idea what the thought of you carrying my child is doing to me.”

I could feel his control slipping, as he ground up into me with a ferocity that drove me wild. “Really?” I said in a sweet little voice. “You’re still going to make your wife come over and over?”

He gripped my breast harder as he rammed deeper, making my body shake. His other hand slipped down to circle my clit precisely the way I needed it. Watching Dan’s muscled shoulders clench around me as he drove faster inside my wetness was almost too much to take. I’d never felt him this hard, this swollen inside me.

“Can you feel that, baby?” he growled against my ear. “Can you feel how much I need you?”

Tags: Haley Travis Insta Love Shy Girl Romance Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024