Naughty, Naughty Prince Charming (Charming 1) - Page 11

He hadn’t taken it. She’d allowed him to have it.

Letting her gaze drift around the room, she was thankful for the full moon outside the large double panel windows. Even in the shadows, the room had a strong, masculine feel to it. The bed was king-sized, with four thick posts anchoring it high off the ground. It fit Logan. Though she knew him on a purely physical level, she’d always had a knack for picking up on character. He was strong and reserved. Even guarded. The room gave off a vibe of power. Something he valued.

The bathroom door made a sound. Lucy lifted herself onto her elbows and looked to where she knew Logan would appear. Naked and perfect, he stood in the doorway, the light casting him in a clear, sexy visual. Tall and broad, and muscled, he oozed of sex. As she watched, his cock hardened. Grew.

The man had stamina.

A girl could get to like that about a guy.

He walked toward her, graceful, yet, on the prowl. Ready for more. Well, bring it on, is all she could say. Bring it on. He stopped at the end of the bed, pinning her in his steamy gaze. Reaching forward, he shackled her calves, urging her toward the end of the mattress. When her feet hit the bed railing, he pressed her knees apart.

His fingers traced her calves. “You have a beautiful body.”

“So do you.”

Logan smiled at her words, and then leaned down and brushed his lips over her inner thigh. She felt the featherlight touch with a sprinkling of goose bumps along her skin. What was it about this man that attacked her senses with such fierceness?

Alternating lips, tongue, and teeth, he inched upward, enticing her response. No. Taking it. The closer he came to her core, the harder it became to breathe. She watched him, trying not to get lost in what she felt. He glanced up at her, those dark eyes so all-seeing. Heat lurked in their depths. The kind that blazed like an out-of-control fire, and scorched anything near.

Lucy bit her bottom lip. What would it be like to see a man like this begging for more? To know she’d driven him crazy with need? The thought came out of nowhere, surprising her with its dark nature. She’d never considered herself overtly sexual yet…this man awoke a part of her never explored. He switched legs and she moaned as his teeth scraped her knee. Damn, the man could make a simple act erotic as hell.

Of course, the night, the circumstances, the combination of it all inspired the mood of exploration.

He slid his palms along her hips and kissed her stomach, so near her core, he could move and suckle her clit. She burned just thinking about it. “I’m going to kiss every inch of you so perfectly that you can never, ever forget me.”

He’d already ensured a permanent imprint of both her mind and body. “I won’t forget you.”

“No?” he asked, his palm sliding under her ass, and between her cheeks, fingers grazing the dampness of her arousal.

She drew a breath, forcing away the shimmering urgency just out of reach. Determined to not spend the entire night in submission. To waste her fantasy night without ever daring to be bold would be a regret she didn’t want to endure. She sat up and scooted backward. He looked up, eyes narrowed in surprise.

On her knees, boldly displaying her nudity, she wiggled a finger at him and then pointed at the bed. “Lie down.” There was a hint of authority in her voice and a little thrill raced down her spine.

His eyes raked her body, lingering at her nipples, making them tighten. Her instinct was to touch them, yet she resisted. Letting her inhibitions win angered her. Besides, she would never see Logan after tonight. That thought delivered a feeling of freedom. She reached up and filled her hands with her breasts and then pinched her nipples. When his gaze lifted to hers, she opened her expression to him, letting him see the pleasure of the touch.

A flare of heat in his eyes spread to a sexy half-smile on his lips. He joined her on top of the bed, facing her on his knees, just out of reach. Her eyes dropped to his long, hard cock. He was big. She liked knowing he was hard for her. Inching forward on her knees, she moved closer to him, inhaling the spicy male scent that she was beginning to know as his. And though she knew he wore cologne, the way it blended with his natural essence was sensual and alluring.


He reached for her and though she yearned for his touch, Lucy pushed his hand away. “No. No touching until I say so.”

For just an instant he looked like he might refuse, and then his hand eased down to his side. She didn’t waste any time taking advantage of her new role. Her hand swept over his shoulder and down his arm, loving the feel of his strength beneath her hand. It was clear he worked out. Honed and perfected, his body resembled a work of art.

Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Charming Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024