The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men 7) - Page 84

I lifted my eyebrows. “And you actually know him, because he didn’t seem to know you.”

Remy glanced at me. “I...I know a girl who dated him...and royally got screwed over by him. To say the least, I’m not a fan.”

“Okay, fine,” I relented. “Just warn me next time you’re going to get mouthy with an opposing band so I’ll be prepared.”

“Well, if I’d known he was going to be here—”

“Fine. Fine.” I lifted my hands. “And I’ll warn you if we ever play in the same venue with them again.”

“Thank you.” He sent me one last pouty glance and that was that.

We had our turn on stage, played our hearts out, and left the crowd screaming and begging for more. As Gally, Heath and Remy started for the back room that had been assigned to just us for the evening, the owner of the club stopped me with a cash payment.

I grinned at the money and told him we’d love to come back again when he invited us. I tried not to worry about my Forbidden friends. All the guys had bitched and moaned when they’d learned I wouldn’t be there again for another karaoke night. They hated having to deal with all the technical issues that I usually took care of.

Pick had told them all to shut up because my new gigs were big opportunities for me, but I worried about him too. He’d helped me get started, given me more opportunities than anyone, and here I fe

lt as if I was abandoning him.

I knew he wouldn’t want me to be that way, though. It was strange having a family member who only wanted what was best for me. Made me wish I could do more for him.

Shaking those thoughts away, I hurried back to the guys, who looked as if they were already plastered as they passed around a complimentary bottle of Grey Goose that had been left in our room.

“And there’s the man of the hour,” Remy called, lifting the bottle in cheers. “Everyone give it up for Asher Hart.” He made the sound of a roaring crowd before taking a big slug.

“Watch it, you greedy bastard,” Gally complained, stealing the vodka mid-gulp so that Remy ended up spilling some down his chin.

“Fucker,” he told Gally as he wiped the back of his hand over the leak. Then he grinned glassy-eyed at me. “What’s up, boss?”

No idea why he called me boss, but I lifted the cash we’d made and fanned my face with it. “It’s payday,” I announced.

“Damn straight,” Gally hooted, fisting his hand into the air. “Gimme my money!”

Since the only open spot to sit was an end seat on the couch next to Remy, where he’d sprawled out, practically taking up the whole damn thing, I nudged his legs aside with my knee and sat next to him.

He grinned at me and stuck a Twizzler between his teeth.

Yanking the dangling part of the Twizzler stick free, I took a big bite from the opposite end and began to chew. “The manager invited us back next month if we’re interested. I said we were.”

“Hell yes, we are,” Gally called while Holden nodded.

Remy was too busy scowling at the string of candy I’d stolen from him. Jabbing out his hand to steal it back, he growled when I was faster, taking it from my own mouth and holding it tauntingly away from him. Then I really did it; I licked the entire length, spreading my germs so he couldn’t take it back without being gross.

“Ha,” I crowed triumphantly. “I licked it, so it’s mine.” That was payback for his kicking my ass at Call of Duty.

He scowled. “Really? How mature is that?” Then, he wiggled his eyebrows. “Now, I just want it back more.”

While I sputtered out a laugh and nearly choked on my Twizzler, Gally hissed, “Sick, man. That’s disgusting. No flirting allowed here, queer.”

“Whatever,” Remy muttered, leaning forward to find the bag for a new Twizzler stick. “You’re just jealous because I didn’t hit on you.”

“Wow,” Gally said as he yanked his share of cash out of my hand. “That was totally not the case. Seriously, though, you two lovebirds sure got chummy since rooming together in Chicago.”

“Yeah.” Letting out a big, dreamy sigh, Remy pressed a hand to his chest and fluttered his lashes my way. “We bonded. It was beautiful.”

“Jesus, Sticks.” I scowled at him. “Just how drunk are you?”

He gave a husky laugh and blew me a kiss. “I’m three sheets to the wind, baby.”

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024