Be My Hero (Forbidden Men 3) - Page 117

Needing my Tinker Bell to help ease my broken heart, I stumbled back to my bedroom only to find it empty.

"Oh . . . fuck."

She'd been hysterical, and I hadn't comforted her. Recalling the way she'd begged me to forgive her ripped through my chest. But I'd told her it was okay, hadn't I? Shit, I couldn't remember what I'd said. I'd been too frantic to find my boy. One thing I knew, though, was that I couldn't sleep in my bed without her.

I found myself knocking on Mason Lowe's door at four-thirty in the morning. It took him over a minute to pull it open, but when he saw me, he heaved out a big sigh, shook his head, and moved aside without saying a word. I stepped inside, and he followed me back to Eva's room.

I went straight to her bed and touched her shoulder, rolling her onto her back, only to realize this woman had dark hair. Next to Reese, another form stirred and the hall light made her gorgeous blonde locks glisten. Bypassing Lowe's woman, I reached for Eva and pulled her into my arms. Her lashes fluttered. When she was awake enough to focus on my face, she clutched my arm.

"Did you find him?"

I drew in a breath. "Not yet."

From the bed, Reese rose and hurried to collect Skylar from her cradle. I didn't even have to ask her, she simply bundled the sleeping infant into her car seat and then gathered up the diaper bag for us. After she nodded at me, letting me know she'd follow with the kid, I carried Eva from the room and out to my car. She didn't protest, which was good, because I didn't have any fight left inside me.

When we made it home, we put Skylar in the crib. She looked extra small in there by herself. Then we went to the front room and sat on the couch to wait. Pressed up against her and holding her hand, I squeezed Eva's fingers.

"Thank you for fighting for him," I finally said.

She didn't answer, just leaned her cheek on my shoulder and quietly cried, waiting through the rest of the night with me.


Two days passed. The two longest days of my life.

I didn't work, rarely ate, and only slept in spurts because I'd always jerk awake with a new idea of where I could look for Tristy. But she was never anywhere I searched. Reports came back to me from people who'd seen her with a baby, but I always just missed them by the time I got there.

At the beginning of the third day, my cell phone rang at two in the morning. I was instantly awake to answer the unlisted number. Next to me, Eva bolted upright and flipped on the bedside lamp, her eyes wide and alert.

"Hello?" I rushed out. Please be Tristy, please be Tristy, please—

"P-Pick?" Tristy's hoarse voice sounded scared and uncertain, but it made me sob out my relief.

"Oh God. Oh, thank God. Tris, where are you? Is Julian okay?"

"Julian?" she sneered after a loud sniff. "All you care about is Julian, isn't it? You used to ask if I was okay."

"Christ, Tristy. You abandoned him here, your own son. You fucking left him with me to take care of. So I did. Can you blame me for growing to love him? For worrying about him? Why did you take him?"

"Because he's mine! Why shouldn't I take him back? He's my kid. You annulled our marriage."

"I annulled the marriage because you took off. Now, where are you? I'll come to you, and we can talk, face to face." When she didn't answer, I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. "Tris, please. You scared the shit out of me. These last few days, not knowing where you were, not knowing what was happening to him, they've been the worst few days of my life. Just . . . talk to me. Please . . . Tell me where you are."

"I don't believe you," she said in a hoarse voice. "See, I don't believe that's why you stopped our marriage at all."

"What?" I shook my head, utterly confused. "You're not making any sense. Why are you doing this? Where are you? Why did you leave without even talking to me first?"

"Because of that blonde slut you had in your apartment, that's why."

My gaze shot to Tink. She chewed on a thumbnail as she watched me, her blue eyes wide with worry. "What?" she mouthed.

I shook my head and returned my attention to Tris. "What about her?" I asked cautiously.

"Who was she? And why was she taking care of my son?"

"She was taking care of your son that you abandoned because she's the babysitter."

Eva sat up straighter, her thumb dropping from her mouth as she realized she was being brought into the conversation.

Tags: Linda Kage Forbidden Men Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024