Party Toy for 2 Men (Forbidden Fun) - Page 22

Corrie nods, her eyes wide.

“Wow. I hope I never feel that way about work but I can see how it’d happen, especially since you guys have had your companies for ages now.”

I grin.

“We’re not here to turn you off working, honey. When you’re passionate about something, you keep doing it, and just power through the dull and boring parts. Every job has its dull and boring parts, but it’s the end game that matters.”

Corrie nods, looking thoughtful.

“Why don’t the two of you partner together? It could really add spark to your current work lives.”

I put my fork down. “What do you mean, honey? I don’t think our businesses are very similar, so I don’t know where you’re going with this.” Cameron looks just as confused, but Corrie leans forward, her eyes darting with excitement. “Oh! This is such a good idea! Just think about how amazing it would be.”

“Breathe, sweetheart,” Cam entreats. “Then tell us what’s on your mind.”

She inhales deeply and then smiles.

“Your businesses aren’t similar, but they’re potentially complementary. Cameron, your company owns a bunch of buildings, right? I’m sure some of those buildings could be renovated to make them more environmentally friendly, and that’s where Justin’s company comes in. You guys could get together and start creating environmentally friendly buildings that people want to spend time in, instead of the usual behemoth that’s got a huge carbon footprint. Imaging the opportunity,” she sighs.

Wow, that’s not what I was expecting from Corrie, but there’s definitely something there. Evidently, the other man agrees because he nods.

“That’s not a bad idea,” Cameron remarks. “What do you think, Justin? Is it possible? Is KayLite up for the job? You know that I have at least six hundred buildings in my portfolio, and that’s just in the Midwest.”

I shrug.

“I don’t see why not. I think we could make your buildings more appealing to potential tenants by putting some of KayLite’s ideas into practice. It’s worth a shot, and you know we’ve already retrofitted quite a few of Barney Lighthouse’s portfolio.”

Cameron nods.

“I did hear of it. Is Barney happy?”

I smirk.

“Call him yourself, and you’ll see. I’m confident enough to say that Barney will sing our praises, seeing how KayLite’s not only saved him a ton of money but also given his company a halo of excellence now that they’ve been ‘greened.’”

He nods.

“Shit, it’s marketing genius.”

I roll my eyes.

“But it’s not just marketing. It’s doing good, and so everyone, and especially the environment, wins.”

Corrie claps her hands together, practically beaming with excitement. “So, do you think you guys will be able to partner up?”

I laugh. “Maybe. It’s worth a look at least.”

“Exactly.” Cameron holds up his teacup. “To new partnerships, and continuing our trifecta in more areas of our lives!”

“To us!” Corrie squeals, bouncing up and down in her seat.

We clink our teacups and then share silly smiles. Shit, I can’t believe this is happening. The three of us probably look like dopes who just think they reinvented the wheel, but you know what? I don’t care. Being with Corrie and now Cameron has opened unimagined new vistas in my life both personally and professionally, and I’m going to roll with it and see where it goes.



* * *

Justin, Cameron, and I have been together for four months now, and they’ve been the best four months of my life. My lovers claim my body each night, and not only that, but the two men are incredibly tender and affectionate. If anything, I’m overly coddled now because Justin and Cameron are in a friendly competition to see who can treat me more like a princess. As a result, I’m lavished with gifts, not to mention kissed and cherished until I can barely remember my own name.

But now, we’ve decided to take things to the next level. We’re in New York at a hotel called La Bella, but the trip isn’t just for leisure. Instead, we’re attending a private event through a club called Sanctum, which puts on a variety of play parties for their members to enjoy.

“I wish Patty were here,” I say nervously, tugging at my cocktail dress. I love the dark blue fabric and the way it hugs my curves, but I feel naked in this thing given the crazy cutouts. There are two large triangles at my waist which means that the undersides of my boobs are hanging out. Not only that, but the back dips so low that I have bottom cleavage. Yes, you can literally see the cleft of my cheeks and Cameron’s eyes glint as he eyes the shadow. Then, he does me one better. He slides one long finger into the valley between the white hills, making me squeal as he tickles my anus.

“You like this?” he rasps, watching as my head falls back with pleasure. I can’t even reply, merely letting out a low hum. “Good,” he grins before popping his finger out and licking it. “I love the taste of your ass, honey. It’s fucking musky and sweet at the same time.”

Tags: Cassandra Dee Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024