Nothing Special V (Nothing Special 5) - Page 110

“He is still here, isn’t he? You’re sure he didn’t sneak out the back.” Day leaned over and whispered to his older brother. He smiled to show he was kidding, but his stomach was still fluttering like crazy.

“Of course, he’s here. He’ll be down in a second. We’re a little early,” Jackson whispered.

Day cleared his throat and smoothed his hands down his suit jacket. They’d opted out of tuxedos and had chosen nice suits from a shop Blair recommended. They were classy, but not too much. He was sure God would look wonderful in his. Day stared at the wedding arch his team had made for them. He shook his head and smiled at the handcuffs and badges intertwined in the green garland and white Cherokee roses. He had to admit it was eclectic and perfect for them. Day fought the urge to check his watch. He was pretty sure God would come down on time. He felt his brother tap him on his shoulder.

“Yeah?” Day turned. Jackson pointed to the top of the stairs.

Day looked up and had to clutch the banister to keep from falling over. He saw him. Saw his soon-to-be husband. Standing there, larger than life. In a suit that hung from his broad shoulders the way every suit should fit a man. God looked down at him, his hair falling to the front. Day hadn’t seen it like that before. Luxurious and soft. Like he’d just come from a salon. It was tucked behind his ears, but thick, soft strands still fell forward as God smiled down at him. A smile most people didn’t get to see. He looked like he was just as relieved to see Day standing there. Genesis stood behind him with his hand on his shoulder the exact same way Jackson was supporting him. Day finally breathed when God began to descend the stairs. When he reached the bottom, Day saw God’s chest deflate like he’d been holding his breath. They stepped in to each other, needing the closeness, the reality of what they were about to do flooding their bodies with anticipation and nerves. God never looked into the room, didn’t glance around to see who was there. His vibrant green eyes stayed on him when he lifted Day’s hands and gently kissed his palm, pressing Day’s hand to his face. There were a few soft sighs from the room, but Day couldn’t look away. He ran his hand through God’s hair, feeling the silky strands ease through his fingers, not a tangle to be found. He looked amazing.

“You’re beautiful,” God whispered just for him.

Day’s feelings rode him. He wasn’t going to cry, he’d sworn it, but he felt the moisture in the corners of his eyes. He held it back by feeding off God’s strength, letting his presence soothe him, knowing it would work, as it always had. God intertwined one of their hands and turned them to walk down the makeshift aisle. When they got to the archway, Vikki turned the music down low just as God looked around the arch, noticing the decorations, and turned back to look at his guys with a “really” expression and laughter burst from most of them. Just that fast, the situation lightened to a relaxed vibe, and the precinct chaplain started to speak. It was only fitting he presided over their nuptials. Neither he nor God was very religious or even had a church home. Chappy had counseled them from the very beginning when they first became partners. He watched them grow and become who they were today; he’d seen them at their best and at their worst.

After Chappy told a few stories about them, and how he hadn’t seen a couple more suited for each other, he segued right into the traditional vows. They didn’t want to write their own or have any long drawn out speeches, that’s why they asked Chappy to say whatever he felt was right. And he covered their life and growth together even better than they could have. When it came time for the ring exchanges, God’s hand shook a little when he placed Day’s ring back on his finger. But when God looked him in his eyes and adoringly whispered, “I do,” Day couldn’t stop the single tear that ran down his cheek. God wiped it away with his thumb, keeping his large hand on his cheek while Day agreed to honor and obey, love and cherish him for all the days of their life.

The part he’d been waiting for was finally spoken and God tilted Day’s head and gently kissed him, lingering with their mouths pressed together until Day felt God’s arm slide around his back and the tip of his warm tongue at the crease of his lips. Day submitted and opened for him, letting his husband… Oh, Jesus… his husband deepen the kiss.

Tags: A.E. Via Nothing Special Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024