Promises Part 4 (Bounty Hunters 4) - Page 109

Dr. Dominick stopped in his tracks and his smile fell from his lips like dead weight. He tilted his head and slowly made his way towards Brian. “Evening. Forgive the intrusion. I’m James Dominick.” The man held his hand out, but Brian didn’t move his arms, instead he stared down the asshole who’d been inappropriate with his boyfriend.

“Dr. Dominick. This is Brian King. He’s my son’s partner,” Sway’s mom introduced him, her angelic voice taking on an edge of satisfaction when she said that last sentence.

“Oh.” Dr. Dominick jerked as if he’d been chopped in the throat. His mouth opened and closed, he smiled awkwardly then opened his mouth again. “I. No. Um, it’s nice to meet you. I didn’t know Sway had a partner. He’s been so committed to work.”

No one said anything else to encourage conversation or offered him a seat, a drink. Nothing. Because the doctor wasn’t welcome. The way Sway’s mom watched Brian, he easily read her transparent thoughts. Competition. But Brian wasn’t worried.

“Sway is an amazing nurse.” Tweetie finally broke the awkward silence.

“Yes, he is. And, I want to ensure he’s okay. I’m just going to give him a very brief exam. I have my bag in the car.” The doctor turned to go to the door, but Sway’s mom stopped him, translating Brian’s order.

“That won’t be necessary.”

Dr. Dominick stared at her quizzically, but she shrugged one bony shoulder and pointed at Brian. He stepped forward, making the doctor shrink back, even though he wasn’t close to him. He signed in jolting movements, his anger showing. Stephanie even added a little gusto in her voice to help him out.

“He’s not having any visitors. His doctor… Cayson Chauncey… has already examined him.” Brian stepped forward again. He extracted the small, brown paper bag from Tweetie’s hands and thrust it at the doctor’s chest. Take your fuckin’ bullshit soup. The doctor clutched the bag, surprised at being treated in such a manner. His pompous ass not sure what to do about not getting his way.

Brian walked behind the doctor until he was out the door. He closed it behind him and stood guard. He wasn’t going back inside until he saw taillights.

“I think you misunderstood my intentions here tonight. I’m Sway’s superior, I’m also a physician. He’s sick. I just want to check—”

“Your serpentine ways insult me,” Brian finally spoke, baring his teeth as he came down off the porch. Dr. Dominick stumbled before he caught himself. Brian took in the doctor’s overly-polished appearance, his boring loafers and expensive college class ring, and sneered. He leaned in and spoke from a place of fierceness. Where he kept the people he protected, those he cared about. Brian’s voice was terrifying, “Make this your last house call.”

The doctor swallowed loud enough for him to hear and turned to hurry to his Mercedes S-Class.

This just got interesting. He had the fear of God to put into someone. Brian smirked. He and his Delta team used to say that before they wrecked shop. Brian rubbed his hand over his chest and looked towards the dark sky. He inhaled and accepted the peace. It was the first time he’d thought of his team and didn’t feel pain, remorse… or devastating guilt.

Sway got a warm welcome from his staff when he returned to work four days later. They were calling it the forty-eight-hour bug, but the symptoms persisted for at least a week. He didn’t know how much longer he would’ve lasted if Brian hadn’t been there. He’d been like a white knight… well, black knight. The way he’d cared for him. Like a ‘gentle giant’, his mom had called him.

By the time Brian left, his mom and Tweetie had officially fallen in love with him. They began to fawn over Brian more than they did him, and he’d been the sick one. When Brian spoke for the first time, Sway thought Tweetie was going to pass out. Either from the surprise or the sound. Both were enough to make him do a double take. Not that Brian ran his mouth constantly, he still signed when he had a lot to say; choosing only to voice short statements. Sway understood it was going to take time. The breathing, the focusing, the escaped noises when Brian wasn’t trying. It all had gradually progressed into sound over time. Sway didn’t need Brian to speak constantly, even though he was madly in lust with that grating bass; he’d still fallen for a silent man.

“Sway, it’s so good to see you back.” Dr. Chauncey patted him on the shoulder while Sway stood at the nurse’s counter.

“Nice to be back.” Sway smiled, meaning it. He’d missed his patients. It took about twenty extra minutes in each room, during his rounds, everyone wanting an explanation where he’d been.

“I got good news for you.” Cayson smiled. “Your favorite, Ms. Debbie, is moving to the next level in the trial. Her results were real positive these past two weeks.”

Tags: A.E. Via Bounty Hunters Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024