Lena's Happily Ever After (The Town of Pearl 3) - Page 94

“Kenny, could I speak with Mark alone a minute? Right over there where you can still see me?” she asked as he raised his eyebrows at her. He didn’t want her far from him, but he nodded his head. It was obvious that Mark was hiding something.

He watched as Lena walked farther across the kitchen. He couldn’t help but look around at other workers. One guy turned away as Kenny stared at him, and then he disappeared through a set of doors.

* * * *

“What is really going on, Lena? Word on the street is that Triumph and his gang were arrested for murdering Ariel.”

“I know. That’s what I heard, too. When I found out that Sage was alone, I came here looking for her to help her.”

“Triumph was looking for you. He has been for months, and the police have been searching for him, too. His face is all over the television stations.”

“I know. He and his gang killed Ariel. He was also responsible for that drive-by shooting that killed those innocent people.”

Mark appeared shocked. “Well, it was good that you didn’t get involved with him and took off. That could have been you who was killed.”

“I know, Mark. Do you have any idea where Sage might be hiding? I’ve looked everywhere that I can think of.”

“Did you try down by the overpass in the tunnels near the abandoned construction site?”

“Near Triumph’s old place?” she asked, feeling sick to her stomach.

“I have no idea if it was an old place of his. I just know what I heard around the restaurant about some kids living in there. I couldn’t tell you really, Lena. I just hope you find her and get out of here so she can have a new life, too.”

“I appreciate the help, Mark, and thank you for all that you’ve done.”

“I haven’t done anything, Lena. You wanted a better life and worked your ass off. You were always a hard worker, and the customers liked you. Good luck, honey.”

“Thanks, Mark,” Lena stated as Mark hugged her.

Across the kitchen she could tell that Kenny wasn’t happy about the hug. She took his hand and they headed back outside.


“Not really, just talk in the restaurant. Everyone knows that Triumph is on the run and wanted by the police.”

“Good. Let’s go meet the detectives around the block.”

“Okay, and then we can check one more place before we call it a night,” Lena said as they headed down the street.

It was late by the time they entered the old, abandoned apartment building. The construction company left the place a mess and unfinished. It had been that way for years now.

“You sure about this place? There haven’t been reports of any homeless around here for years,” Detective Reynolds stated.

“It’s just a hunch. Mark from the restaurant said he heard that some people were living out here,” Lena said as they slowly walked through the building. There was garbage everywhere and rats the size of squirrels.

Lena saw the entranceway to the tunnels by the back entrance to the apartments.

“I think we should check in there. Lots of times we holed up there for safety.”

“You hid in there for safety?” the detective asked as he shined his flashlight into the dark tunnel.

They heard a noise, and the detectives pulled out their guns.

Kenny grabbed Lena and placed her behind him.

“Wait, listen a minute,” she stated.

“Sage! Sage, are you in there? It’s Lena,” she called into the darkness.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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