Lena's Happily Ever After (The Town of Pearl 3) - Page 93

Chapter 19

Lena was sitting in Wyatt’s office along with Kenny as Detective Reynolds filled them in on the investigation.

“So, you arrested these five men but not Triumph?” Wyatt asked.

“We think he skipped town. He was last spotted at the bus station and all our sources have not seen him anywhere in the city.”

“So, you think it’s safe for me to come out and look for Sage?” Lena asked as she squeezed Kenny’s hand. He still didn’t look too happy about her plans.

“I think you’ll be safe, especially with escorts. I’ll personally help you, Lena, along with a few other undercover detectives. We checked all the locations you’ve told us about, but she isn’t coming out.”

“I know. She won’t unless I come out there.”

“That’s your decision. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything that you’ve done to help us find and bring justice to Ariel’s killers.”

“I won’t feel satisfied until Triumph is behind bars.”

“I understand, and we’ll do our best. He won’t be able to hide long. His face is plastered all over the media and around the city. He’s a wanted man.”

“So, you’re sure it would be safe to come out there with Lena and look for her friend?” Kenny asked again.

“I’d still take precautions, but yes. It may be the only way to save her friend.”

* * * *

The following morning, Lena and Kenny headed out to the airport. It had been a fight over who would go along with her. With all the preparations needing to be done for the Fourth of July, Blake and Quinn couldn’t go, and Bryant was going to stay and help in town with the security along with Wyatt since he had the military background.

They arrived in Detroit early afternoon, and Lena wanted to jump right into finding Sage. They met Detective Reynolds and a few of his detectives.

“So, where do we begin?” Reynolds asked.

“There are a few locations to start with near the trailer.”

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Kenny remained beside Lena the entire time they searched for Sage. It was getting dark when she began to feel as if Sage was possibly out of Detroit.

“I don’t get it. I’ve gone everywhere to look for her. All the hideouts we used to use.”

“I can’t believe you had to live like this, Lena. God, baby, I’m so glad that you got out of here and that you headed to Texas,” Kenny stated as he placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed.

She looked at Kenny and smiled. “I’m glad, too, and I want Sage there so she can have a fresh start.”

“How about going to the restaurant where she worked? Maybe they know where she is?” Kenny suggested.

“I guess we could try to talk with Mark. He might know,” Lena stated, and they got into the patrol cars and headed toward the restaurant.

* * * *

Kenny couldn’t believe how Lena was forced to live. Every place she had taken him and the detective to was dirty, dangerous, and well hidden away from the general public. It was like being in an entirely different world. He couldn’t help but squeeze her hand or touch her often as he thought about how much she had missed out on and suffered living like this.

As they entered the back of the restaurant, Lena introduced him to Mark.

“My God, Lena, I was so worried about you. When we heard about the young woman murdered, we were terrified,” Mark stated as some of the kitchen staff looked on.

“I got out of town quickly. This is my boyfriend Kenny. We’re looking for Sage, Mark. Have you seen her?” she asked.

Mark shook his head. “Once word got out that there was trouble and you were gone, she disappeared.” Mark looked at Kenny and then at Lena. Kenny had a feeling that the guy wasn’t being honest. Lena must have picked up on it, too.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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