Stacy's Destiny (The Town of Pearl 2) - Page 35

“I know you don’t. What are you going to do?”

“I want you to call the investigator and tell him what just happened. I don’t want you taking any chances. This guy could come back and try to hurt you to get to me. I won’t allow that to happen,” Stacy stated just as she heard the front porch door open. She turned around and saw Marie. The woman looked like she had heard everything.

“Call the investigator then have him call me.”

“Okay, Stacy. Be safe.”

“You, too, honey.”

“What happened to Millie? Someone hurt her trying to find out where you are?”

Stacy shook her head. “Some guy threatened her to get her to give up my location. She handled it well.”

“He threatened her? Was it your boss? Did he touch her?”

“No, Marie. It seems like it might have been some guy he hired to find me. I told Millie to call the police or the investigator. They’ll help. If this continues, I may have to head back to New York.”

“You can’t leave here. That man will hurt you or worse.”

“I won’t bring any trouble this way. I also won’t stand by and allow my friends to be harassed because of something I did.”

“What you did was brave, and you are not at fault. At least here you have Eric and Max. They’ll protect you if trouble comes a looking.”

Stacy was surprised by Marie’s statement. Did she know that both men stayed here last night? She felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment.

“Stop those thoughts right now. I may look like some old lady to you, but I’ve been around these parts for years. I know how it works between some men and some particular women. It may be out of the traditional type of relationships you’re familiar with, but that doesn’t lessen the intensity or the love between two men and one woman or three and four, or whatever number of men to one woman. I’ve witnessed more love and commitment in ménage marriages than the traditional marriages between one man and one woman. Now I’m not telling you what to do, Stacy, but I know these men. They want you as their own. Max and Eric Cantrell’s family were part of the first settlers in this town. That’s why they own the largest ranch and bring in the greatest financial support as well. They are good men, honorable men that have served the people of Pearl and maintained safety and peace along with it.”

“That is very noble and I respect that, which is also why I won’t bring any sort of trouble to town. I don’t know why Barry is committed to harassing me. I remember how he was at work. He always gets what he wants. He would hound clients sometimes to get the contracts. He and his father-in-law gained the nickname “piranhas” for good reasons. I just don’t understand what he wants from me. I left the job. I didn’t press charges.”

Marie moved closer to Stacy. “You’re a very beautiful woman. You are sweet and very smart. Some men find that irresistibly sexy and want to possess someone of that stature to show off or even exploit. It could be as simple as what you say, and that is that he wants you like a possession or prize. But also, keep in mind that he’s taken some sick and inappropriate actions in gaining you as his prize, and that’s where the concern should be. He’s a suspect in three murders whether the investigators have evidence or not. This is not something

to handle on your own, Stacy. Stay here where Max and Eric can protect you.”

Stacy nibbled her bottom lip. Everything that Marie stated was true, but staying here and leaning on two men that could possibly break her heart caused almost as much fear as returning to New York.

“Talk to me, Stacy. What are you so afraid of about Max and Eric?” Marie asked.

Stacy felt a bit embarrassed having this discussion with Millie’s aunt, but what choice did she really have? The woman was demanding and seemed to know exactly what Stacy was thinking.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” Stacy asked as she walked over toward the coffeepot and began to pour a cup for herself.

“Sure. Then we can sit down and talk this through.”

Stacy smiled, poured the two cups of coffee, then brought them over to the table. Marie took out the creamer and sugar.

“Okay, start talking,” Marie stated before she took a sip from the cobalt-blue coffee cup.

Stacy inhaled. “I never even knew that ménage relationships existed. I mean, two men with one woman? How can that work? How can they get along and not become jealous or love one more than the other? How do they commit to more than one man? I’ve never even had a relationship with a man before. Technically speaking, any relationship with any man in my life has ended badly. They’ll get bored, and they’ll move on. I don’t think I can risk that.”

“I think these are questions for you to ask Eric and Max. They were raised by multiple fathers and one mother. They understand what commitment this type of relationship entails. What have you got to lose in giving it a try?” Marie asked, sipping her coffee and looking relaxed. Marie really was a nice person. She was just tough, and that was more than likely from living on the farm. Stacy smiled.

“I like them a lot. What’s not to like? They’re gorgeous, they seem protective and caring.”

“They stayed over here last night,” Marie added, looking at Stacy over the rim of her coffee mug. Stacy’s mouth gaped open then closed real quick. There wasn’t much she could say to that. She felt her cheeks blush, and then she took a sip from her own coffee cup and looked toward the front porch. She could see Ron walking toward the cottage.

“I think Ron is looking for you,” Stacy stated, and Marie laughed.

“Ain’t that good timing?” she teased then stood up from the table. She took her mug over to the sink and washed it out then placed it on the drying rack.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024