Mine To Kiss (Southern Wedding 0.50) - Page 19

"Get up and put that away until later." She points at my cock, and I get up, grabbing my boxers and pants. We walk out of the room ten minutes later, and I stop when I come face-to-face with all three girls. Rachel sits on the couch while Victoria and Lydia stand in the kitchen.

"Hey," I say, trying not to be embarrassed.

"Hey," Rachel replies, rolling her lips. "I’d ask you how you are doing…" she starts.

"But from the moans and groans of the past six hours, I’m going to go out on a limb," Lydia starts to say, bringing the bottle of water to her lips to hide the smile. "You are really good."

"Oh, he was," Harlow says, slipping her hand in mine as she looks up at me, the smile on her face spreading from ear to ear.

"Trust me, we know," Victoria says, and I just shake my head. "At one point, I thought you were going to bust the wall."

"It wasn’t that bad," I finally say out loud.

"At one point, I think I needed a cigarette," Lydia jokes. "And I don’t smoke." She looks at Harlow. "And you, all Miss Innocent Harder Faster," she mimics Harlow. "A lady in the streets and a freak in the bed." I can’t help but laugh.

"Okay," Harlow says, pulling me out the door. "You are one to talk. We had to throw out the last couch because you had sex on it."

"We could have steam cleaned it." She rolls her eyes. "How was I supposed to know you guys would catch us?"

"It was noon," Rachel says, sitting on what must be the brand-new couch.

"On a Sunday," Victoria reminds her. "How could we not catch you?"

"This sounds like fun," I say. "But I got to get my girl fed." I pull her out of the apartment, and she laughs. "What’s so funny?"

"Your girl fed." She repeats the words as we walk down the stairs.

"What’s funny about that?" I ask, and she just chuckles. "Are you not my girl?" I ask, and the pit of my stomach burns. "I assumed after that…" I point back at the house when we walk down the steps and are standing outside. "That you were definitely my girl."

I don’t move from the spot, and she turns to me, and she is more beautiful than she was before. She puts her hands on my chest. "You want me to be your girl?" She tilts her head back, and my hands come up to hold her hips.

"You can say that," I say nervously, leaning down and kissing her lips. My body wakes up as if she is the beating of my heart.

"Okay." She smirks at me, kissing my neck where my heart beats. "I’ll be your girl."



"What do you mean, you aren’t coming home for the summer?" my father says, his face coming into the phone. "The last time we saw you was Christmas." I’m in the middle of my bed on my weekly FaceTime call with my parents.

"You see me weekly," I remind him. "I can’t say no to this job," I tell them. "It’s interning at the emergency vet clinic in the city. Do you know how much experience that will give me?" I shake my head. "You told me to apply for it." When I got the application form in class, I didn’t know if I should apply or not.

"What about Travis? Is he staying?" my mother asks, and I smile.

"Are you still with that guy?" my father groans, and I can’t help but laugh.

"Yes, he’s staying, too. We both were chosen," I answer, thinking about how nervous we both were to get it and then nervous about if one of us got it and not the other. "And I’m very much still with Travis." I don’t tell them that we are almost living together and barely spend a night apart from each other. They don’t need to know this. "Besides, you said he was a good guy." I point at my father. They haven’t officially met, but one day, he FaceTimed me, and Travis was here, so I introduced them.

"That was before I knew he was your boyfriend." My father groans the last word. "Who dates a girl without asking their father's permission?"

I can’t help but laugh while my mother rolls her eyes. "It’s not marriage, honey." She puts her hand on his arm.

"I will remind you," I start to say. "Reed knocked up Hazel, and they weren’t even dating."

"He married her," my father counters.

"Six years later." I laugh. "Anyway, I have to go now. Travis is taking me out on a date. I will call you guys next week," I confirm, blowing kisses to them before I get off the bed and walk over to the closet.

"What does one wear for a six-month date?" I ask myself, looking in and seeing what I should wear. He didn’t even give me hints; he just said be ready to go at six.

Tags: Natasha Madison Southern Wedding Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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