Beautiful Nightmare (Dark Dream 2) - Page 63

It’s especially difficult to write this letter when my youngest boy is still only a baby. I have to believe we will have a lifetime of memories to create together, but just in case, Brandon, my son, never doubt how much I love you. How proud I am to be your father no matter what you go on to accomplish in life. You will be a better man than I have ever been just by virtue of having a mother and sister who also love you more than life.

And finally, my sweet dove. I hope you will include me in your vivid dreams, think of me when all your waking ones come true as I have no doubt they will. Of all my children, there is none so pure as my dove. The world is a hard place, hard even when you are wealthy and powerful, and as much as I have tried to shield you from that, I know one day I will fail and all the ugliness will seep in. I am not afraid for you when that day comes because I know purity of heart does not equal weakness. You are strong, Bianca, stronger even than you know. Your future will be a beautiful one even if I have no part in it, even if I am not around to witness it. I have no fear in my heart for my daughter. You have all the best parts of your mother and me, and, truthfully, I am already in awe of you.

I have been unfair to you, my family, battling against what I felt I should do and what I knew in my heart was right. The day is coming when I hope to make a change for good, but if fail, please know, you all have always been my dream

Love always,


Tears rained over the pages, smearing the ink in a way that horrified me, but I couldn’t stop the deluge. I was a crier by nature so there was no way I could contain the impulse when I had a letter for my dad in my hands. My chest ached and stomach heaved as if his words were rearranging my insides. In a way, they were, because I finally knew just how much Dad loved us, how much he’d thought of us and wanted the best for us. He was a conflicted man, deeply flawed, but seeing evidence of his foresight for us after years of believing he’d left us desolate and unloved resolved his hero status in my heart. Every girl wanted to love her dad and Lane had just given me reason to revere him for the rest of my life.

He’d given me his last words and hopes, his last dreams written on flimsy sheets of paper I wished I could cast in stone so they would never fade.

After I read the letter for a second time, I turned my attention to the stapled sheaf of papers and lost my breath to the enormity of the declaration written there.

“Oh my God,” I whispered looking up at Emelie with round eyes.

“Did you find everything you thought you would,” she asked kindly, offering me her hand to help stand. “Any life changing revelations?”

I curled the papers into my chest and grinned so widely it hurt. “Absolutely.”



I visited Lombardi & Ghorbani law offices in the city on my way home to Bishop’s Landing. The day had taught me a valuable truth about people and life. There were very few people who were all good or all bad, and few deeds that could fit solidly in one corner of that spectrum. My dad had called me his dove not because I was all good and all pure, but because I had a strong heart and he believed it wouldn’t lead me astray.

And it hadn’t.

My heart had led me to Tiernan Morelli, to a man that yearned for family and deserved peace more than anyone I had ever known.

And I was going to give him that. That happily ever after I’d promised him.

Even if it meant exacting revenge.

The plan I loosely formed the night before took concrete shape now that I had Lane’s hidden will. The potential to exact a pound of flesh from Caroline Constantine was in my power to enact and I was just foolhardy enough to try to see it through.

Happily, the moment I crashed into Elena’s offices and harassed the receptionist for an appointment, Elena took one look at my harried appearance and promised to help me.

Three hours later, I was opening the door to the Constantine Compound with my heart lodged like an animal stuck in the pipe of my throat. I knew without a doubt Tiernan wouldn’t approve of my plan, so I hadn’t told him. Instead, I’d texted Henrik again to tell him I would be late. Now, I was stepping into a potential minefield with only Elias and his mother as back up.

Tags: Giana Darling Dark Dream Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024