Marrying the Sheikh - Page 38

“I just wanted to come and wish them well,” Ella lied.

“Oh,” Djaron said slowly as he looked out on the crowd. “So, it had nothing to do with the bridezilla in there?” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of the bridal suite.

Ella laughed and looked at Djaron in shock. “Well, well, look who’s not so stuffy after all.”

Djaron leaned in and whispered in Ella’s ear. “Miss Ella, I only have to be nice in front of Nadia. And if His Highness would just come to his senses before it’s too late, maybe I wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.”

Ella looked at Djaron with confusion on her face. She opened her mouth to say something when a traditional Al-Ibranian song began to play over the speakers.

“Oh my,” said Djaron as he grabbed Ella lightly by the elbow. “The ceremony is about to begin. Please, have a seat,” he motioned to a table where other staff members were sitting in the back.

“Oh, no,” Ella protested. “I can’t… it wouldn’t be right. No, thank you, Djaron, but I really have to go.”

She turned to leave but the doors to the ballroom had already closed. When she turned back around, Djaron was gone too. He had found a seat at the table and Ella quickly realized she was now the only one left standing. She looked around frantically and noticed a narrow opening in a set of heavy drapes to the side of the doors. She quickly ducked in behind the drapes and waited for the ceremony to begin.

The music continued as the guests hushed. A moment later, a deep voice came over the speaker.

“Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests and honored diplomats, thank you for coming to celebrate the union     of these two families.” There was applause from the assembled crowd. “Now, if you will please stand, the ceremony will begin.”

A rustle moved across the room as the three hundred guests stood to their feet. She took the opportunity and dashed form behind the curtain to the door. When the processional music started, Ella cracked the door open and stepped outside into the hall, closing the door behind her.

She listened as the music continued and she knew exactly what was happening. Right now, she thought, Karim and his parents and groomsmen would be entering on the right of the stage. They would perform a ceremonial passing of the rings, and then Karim would escort his parents to their chairs and return to his spot center stage.

Ella continued to play out the scene in her mind as she walked slowly toward the lobby of the Plaza, fighting back the tears that threatened to burst through. She knew that once Karim was in position, Nadia’s parents would be escorted to the stage by their eldest son. He would help them to their seats and then go to Karim, pinning a family medallion on his lapel. Once that was done, a new song would begin and a spotlight would appear at the side of the room.

The bridesmaids would appear in the royal dresses, carrying the modified peach bouquets, all of them looking for the perfect husband among the guests. Ella laughed ruefully at the thought; she knew this because that’s what she had done every time she'd been a bridesmaid.

She took a deep breath and imagined the women walking into the blue room, looking like movie stars, with all eyes on them. And then, Nadia would make her grand entrance, escorted by her brother. He would be wearing his military uniform and would hold her arm in his as they walked slowly down the aisle.

When they arrived at the stage, he would gently remove her arm from his, pull back her veil and kiss her on both cheeks. He would take her hand in his and walk her to her spot on the stage, just a few feet away from Karim. The brother would stay there until the officiator pronounces them united as one. And then, Ella thought as she neared the doors to the Plaza, then it would be done. The wedding would be complete. And Karim… Karim would be married.

She stood in the grand lobby of the Plaza and took a deep breath in, letting the realization of what was happening sink in. Karim was getting married right now and there was nothing she could do about it. She had missed her opportunity. She would never be able to tell him how she felt, how much her heart raced when she was near him, how secure she felt in his arms, how much she loved him.

“Ella!” Karim’s voice boomed over the crowd that was milling about the lobby.

Ella spun around. Her tear filled eyes looked up to see Karim just feet away, running towards her. “Karim?!” she asked, astonished. She ran to meet him and he pulled her into his arms. After a moment, he let go and Ella looked up at him in disbelief. “Wha…?”

“I called it off! I told them all that it was a sham. I told them how the whole thing was set up so that Nadia’s family could marry into royalty and so my family could strengthen their oil interests.” Karim’s face was wide with enthusiasm. He was so happy he couldn’t contain himself.

Tags: Holly Rayner Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024