The Outlaw's Angel (Daughters of the Prairie 1) - Page 21

“You are beautiful, Bobby Morgan. As finely made as any man.”

A lazy smile curved his full, kissable lips. “You can’t talk like that either, Naomi.”

She smiled, but she knew when he called her Naomi, rather than angel, he was about to get serious.

“I mean it. You have no idea what you do to me, darlin’. And to know you...that you’re...”

“That I’m what?”

“Damn, angel. You’ve been through hell today. I’ve got no right.” He swung his feet to the side of the bed and sat up.

She touched his upper arm—how glorious the muscle felt beneath her fingers—to stop him. “No right to what, Bobby?”

He turned and met her gaze with his own. “To want you like this.” He cupped her cheek and skimmed her lips with his thumb. “And I do want you. More than I’ve ever wanted a woman. More than...” His voice cracked.

“Don’t be troubled, please.” Naomi covered his hand with one of hers. His fingers were long and thick, and the hair on his knuckles tickled her palm. She gave his thumb a soft kiss. “I want you too.”

He sighed, removing his hand. “Damn it, Naomi. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

Naomi took his hand back and entwined their fingers together. His swearing no longer bothered her. It was just...Bobby. And she liked everything about Bobby. She liked... No. Warmth filled her body. She loved Bobby Morgan. Though they hadn’t met under ideal circumstances, this man was her destiny. She knew it with her whole heart.

She smiled, hoping he could see the love in her eyes. “You think I don’t understand what happens between a man and woman. I do. I have married friends. I know there’s more than the kiss we shared.”

“That kiss, angel, it was—”

“It wasn’t a mistake. I thought it was at first. But it wasn’t.”

He chuckled and squeezed her hand. “I was going to say it was the best kiss of my life. No lie.”

“Me too. Of course it was my only kiss.” She smiled.

“Darlin’—” He cleared his throat. “You’ve been through a mighty hard thing today. You need time to heal. I can’t. Not right after that. No matter how much I want to.”

Naomi brought his hand to her lips and kissed each rough calloused finger. “You are so kind. So sweet. But Bobby, what happened with Ike today convinced me of something. I don’t ever want to be in a situation again where a brute like him could take something I can only give once.” Naomi took a deep cleansing breath and summoned courage for what she was about to say to this man she adored. “As God is my witness, I will be the one to choose when, where, and to whom I give myself for the first time.” She breathed again, her pulse racing, as she unbuttoned her cotton gown and let it fall from her shoulders, exposing her bare breasts. “I choose here, and I choose now. And I choose you, Bobby Morgan.”

“Damn!” Bobby stood up and raked his hand through his already tousled hair. “Naomi, I make my living hunting men. I kidnapped you. Now I’ve committed murder. I’m a fugitive runnin’ from the law. I got nothin’ to give you. Nothin’.”

“You’ve got yourself. That’s all I want. You.”

He sighed and plunked back down on the bed, not facing her. “I got nothin’. No right at all to love you.”

Naomi’s heart jumped, but she held herself steady. She smoothed her palm over his sleek shoulder. “You’ve got the right to love whomever you please, Bobby. I’d be honored if it were me.”

He turned then, and she saw the truth in his eyes before he said the words. Her insides melted.

“It is, darlin’. I haven’t loved another in twenty-two years. Time was, I thought I might have forgotten how. But I love you, Naomi, with everything I am.”

She leaned forward, kissed his lips and whispered, “I love you too. Only you.”

He crushed her into his embrace. “I couldn’t think straight when I saw Ike with his hands on you. You’re mine. All mine. No other man will touch you as long as I live. I promise.” He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing against her cheek. “If he’d harmed you—”

“He didn’t,” Naomi said. “You came for me. I trust you.”

He took her mouth in a searing kiss so passionate and possessive that the cadence of his heartbeat sounded in her ears, in synchrony with her own. Their tongues mated and tangled, their moans answered each other. Bobby cupped one breast and flicked his thumb over her hardened nipple, igniting sparks along her flesh that traveled downward to the wet place between her legs. All the while he kissed her as if he couldn’t get enough of kissing her. When he finally broke away, she panted, her breath puffing against his neck as he rained kisses over her shoulders, down to her swollen breasts.

“You’re so beautiful, Naomi. I swear I’ve never seen a more perfect creature.” He cupped both breasts and stared at them.

Naomi’s skin rippled with tiny little shocks. “Now you’re the one looking at me like I’m a feast,” she said with a shaky giggle.

Tags: Helen Hardt Daughters of the Prairie Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024