Breath Of Life - Page 46

Resting my head in the crook of his neck, I inhale his crisp, clean scent. He reminds me of the ocean. I’ve been trying to leave for nearly ten minutes. It’s clear I don’t want to go.

“All right.”

“Yeah?” He moves back. The excitement swimming in his blue eyes makes my surrender worth it.

“I’m staying.” He pulls me to him, lifting me off the ground. I relish the feel of him. He’s gaining strength and muscle to his lithe frame. Wrapping my arms around him, I let the tension seep from my body. He’s my safety zone. It’s one thing for a person to tell you they’ll protect you, another for them to show it without a second thought to their own well-being. I wrap my legs around his waist and frame the face that’s become so dear to me. From his downturned gun metal, blue eyes fringed with dark lashes to his aquiline nose, every bit of him is familiar and dear to me. I stroke his facial hair, enjoying the soft bristles


“Yes, sassy?”

“I like you a lot.” My tongue thickens. I know where my feelings lie, but I can’t say it yet.

“I like you a lot, too, beautiful.”

I trace the seam of his full lips. He parts them, and I slip inside. He tasted like the scotch we sipped once Rolly went to bed with a hint of something earthy and masculine. I take my time sampling him as our tongues slow dance. He hardens against my belly. My panties grow damp, and my breasts swell. Threading my fingers in his dark strands, I tighten my legs. I pull back and nip his earlobe. His moan vibrates through his body, making my core tingle.

“Ollie?” I catch the delicate skin of his neck with my teeth and he shivers. “I want you inside of me.”

He jerks back and ducks his head. “You sure about that? ’Cause once we start, I’m not going to be able to stop.”

I rub myself against him. “I don’t want you to.”

I’m jolted as he pivots and walks briskly toward the

bedroom. Laughter bubbles up and joy floods me. This has been a long time coming. He kicks the door shut, bending down to lock it. I’ve never been so grateful Rolly’s bedroom is on the other end of the hallway.

“You’re going to have to keep quiet, sassy. Is that even possible for you?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want, Ollie,” I purr.

“Jesus,” he nips my bottom lip, “you’re so damn sexy.” He grips the back of my neck with one hand and supports my ass with the other as he moves toward the bed. I continue to tease him with playful nibbles along his neck.

When I suck the skin above his point pulse, he groans. “You marking me, baby?”

“You’re mine to claim, aren’t you?”

“Beware, I’ll claim back.” His voice is smoke and gravel. The hoarse sound sends a jolt straight to my pussy. He tightens his hold on my neck. “You like that, don’t you? The thought of me putting my mark on your skin.”

I shudder, aroused by his words. He’s touching a place inside of me I didn’t know exists.

“I’ll always give you what you need.” He moves down my neck with his lips and teeth, each nip harder than the one before. When he reaches the area where my shoulder connects, he sinks his teeth deep, and I damn near come on the spot. The rough play has a puddle in my pants and my mind in a blissful in-between that has floating. He grips my hair and tugs.

I groan.

“Shhh. Can’t be too loud.” Lapping at my bruised flesh with his tongue, he backs into the bed and plops down, placing me squarely in his lap. I rock against the bulge and attack his lips. Our tongues battle as he grips my hips, setting the rhythm as he moves me back and forth.

“Ollie.” My voice is a strangled whisper.

“Does that feel good, baby?”


“You might have to be on top until I’m healed, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be in full control. Do you understand me?”

His eyes glint, and I can only nod. Awed by his fierce persona in the bedroom, I let him lead.

“Good girl.”

Tags: Shyla Colt Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024