Breath Of Life - Page 33

“I think either way we’ll be afraid. But by testifying and identifying one of these bastards in a lineup, we can take some of our power back. Believe me. I thought about turning a blind eye and walking away, too.”

“So why aren’t you?”

“Doesn’t jive with me. It feels too much like saying it was okay to shit on me. That I’ll take whatever’s handed to me. Nah. I need to do this for me, or I’m never going to be able to move forward. Do you think you’ll be okay if you don’t?” I struggle to place my own wants aside and focus on her well-being. Without her, the case will be weaker. There’s a reason the D.A.C. keep getting away with murder. They’re intimidating.

“I don’t know.” Her face wrinkles up in disgust. “I hate being so wishy-washy.”

“Well, do you think it’ll be worse than it is now?” I ask posing the question differently.

“That’s the question I’m trying to answer.” She stabs the dessert with her spoon. “I’m not indecisive. This flaky crap is pissing me off.”

“Hey, give yourself time. I can’t tell you what to do, but I can promise you I’ll be beside you every step of the way.”

“They called me about a potential lineup. That’s why I feel rushed.”

I lean into her across the table. “What did you say?”

“That I’d get back with them.”

“And are you?” I hold my breath as I wait for her response.

“Yeah, I am. You know what? Screw this. I’m going to do it.”

I reach across the table to squeeze her hand. “I’m with you. How do you feel?”

She sighs. “Better.”

We finish off our food, and I pay the check. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me out of the restaurant.

“Do you like art?” she asks.

“I’m not opposed to it,” I reply.

“Great, we’ll hit up the WorkRoom first.”

We step inside the store, and my eyes are automatically drawn to the bright black track lights highlighting the tables full of interesting wares. The space isn’t large—every inch seems to have a part to play—yet, it’s not overly crowded. They’ve mastered the art of marketing. My eyes are drawn to the beige hat boxes full of small toys and trinkets. I gravitate toward them with Rolly, Payton, and Ashley in mind.

“I forgot you have littles in your family. We’re still waiting for one of us to break the seal, so to speak.”

“They’re not really little anymore. The kids have grown so fast. I’m dealing with pre-teens, but Rolly is all about interesting toys.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“’Cause he’s cool like his old man.”

“There’s a thin line between cocky and confidence, Mr. Hemnway.”

“It’s fortunate I know how to walk between the two, isn’t it?” I wink and return my attention to the items as she heads over to what I call the smell good section. I find a cup and ball game with a red, green, and yellow strip. Rolly would love this. A few more searches finds a teal metal worked frame for Ashley, and a wooden carved keychain for Payton. She returns with a few boxes of diffusers in a pink box.

“One for me and one for my sister, Riley. She’s all about fragrances, crystals, and vibes. You’ll get the picture when you met her. She’s a massage therapist and Reiki Master.”

“She does some form of martial arts?”

She laughs. “No, it’s a sort of spiritual alignment.”

“Like the whole Chakra thing.”

“Exactly. I’m actually kind of impressed you knew that much.”

Tags: Shyla Colt Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024