'Tis The Season - Page 28


“Is Faye okay?” Warren’s worried voice comes on the line.

“Yes and no. Faye and Flora are doing okay, but I just left her condo. Preston is up to something. She tried to break up with me over one of his threats.”

“Jesus Christ. Do you know what?”

“I didn’t see the text, but she mentioned him saying he’d negotiate about full custody.”

“Provided she leaves you?” Warren says.

“Yeah. I’m done playing games with him. I’ve been thinking about this since he first served her papers. I have a plan.”

“Let’s hear it, Bailey.”

“I’m not sure how it’ll affect everyone.”

“As long as he leaves my sister alone, I don’t care.”

“Be sure. ’Cause it involves your parents.”

Warren sighs. “I meant what I said earlier.”

“Okay. Can we meet up somewhere?”

“Yeah. I was just leaving my office. I can head over to your place.”

“I never told you where I live.”

“You’re dating my pregnant little sister.” He hangs up as if his words were an explanation.

I need to make sure I stay on his good side. Even if she hates me after everything is said and done, she’ll be free of Preston. It’ll be worth it. Set on my course, I make it home and gather my evidence.

I let Warren in.

“I hope what you have is good.”

“Once your parents see this, I think they’ll change their tune.” I hold up a CD.

“What is it?” Warren asks.

“A tape of the incident at the drugstore where I first met Preston and Faye.”

He frowns. “What do you mean? You said you found her dog.”

“I did. But this happened before then. Faye never told you because she was embarrassed.”

Warren’s eyes darken. “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

“No,” I answer, honestly. “But I want to show you all together. Can you arrange that?”

“I’m on it.” Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he walks away. “Hey, Mom. Can I come to your house? We need to talk. It’s about Faye. ... No. She’s not okay. The baby is fine. This is about her and Preston. ... Yes, I know how you feel about the situation, but there are some things you need to see. ... Okay, I’ll be bringing a friend.” He glances over at me. “Yeah, twenty minutes.”

I swallow as my palm sweats. I wipe my hands on my pants. No time to second guess myself. This wasn’t the way I wanted to meet her parents for the first time but it can’t be helped. This is for my girl’s future happiness.

Twenty minutes later, we’re pulling up in front of a ranch home with garden beds in front of it. A tire swing hangs from a branch of a thick tree. I smile, imagining a young Faye in it, her dark hair flying behind her as she pumps her legs. Seeing this side of her helps fill in some gaps. Humbling beginnings gave her parents a very definitive opinion on what being taken care of meant for their daughter. I can see the wear and love poured into the house. The roof has been patched multiple times. Cracks line the sidewalk leading up to the house, and the driveway’s blacktop is past due for a repave.

Warren parks his car. “I know this makes my parents look bad, but they were great growing up. They worked multiple jobs to provide us with everything we needed and stayed engaged in our school and personal interests. After growing up poor themselves, they drilled the importance of school and saving. Preston was every dream they had for Faye come true.” Warren shakes his head.

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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