Logan (Filthy Rich Alphas) - Page 26

“Okay. Signal me, if you two get hungry.” The waitress left.

Logan handed the notebook back to me. “There you go. I’m going to kill Tyson and hide his body.”

“He’s disgusting.”

“Apparently.” Logan reached his hand over the table and covered mine. “I’m sorry. You don’t deserve this bullshit. They’re both two miserable, sad people.”

“Thank you.” My hands itched to slap Tyson and Ashley. “He’s a scumbag, and she’s a snake. Never again will I deal with them.”

“Damn, Mia. I’m really sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” I gave him a half smile. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I know. I’m just saying sorry for all men.”

“My hope is that Tyson is not all men.”


“But, thanks anyway, and I’m sorry about ruining your day.”

“You didn’t ruin it. We bought the books before they sold out.” He leaned back in his chair. “We drank a little Oxi which is probably why I’m still riding a sugar rush. I even got to dance with you and show off my fabulous moves to the world.”

A chuckle left my mouth. I’d been trying to remain upset, but it was hard when Logan was the best at cheering me up.

But then, anger decorated Logan’s face, and the sweet guy transformed into a cold killer. His gaze held an edge as he formed his hands into fists. “And now, I get to take out violence on my ex-best friend who’s been a filthy bastard that mistreated my...” he cleared his throat. “It’s one thing to use me, but for him to use you. . .”

I wondered what he was going to say instead, but then my phone buzzed.

I pulled it out and checked the screen.

Tyson texted again.

Tyson: Can we talk in the morning?

Fuck that.

I texted him back.

Me: There’s no need for conversation. Take a break from work, get your stuff out of my house, and leave the keys in the mailbox. TONIGHT! If not, they’ll be in a dumpster. I’m DONE!

Tyson: Why? You can’t just kick me out like that. You have to give me at least a weeks’ notice or something. What happened, baby? I love you.

Me: Make sure your stuff is out by nine tonight. That’s your one warning. Test me if you want.

Me: Asshole!!

Tyson: Mia?

I shut off my phone. It didn’t matter what his response was. His crap—those boxes of sneakers and junk—would finally be out of my place. I’d let him stay with me for weeks due to him mourning a make-believe aunt.

Sometimes it didn’t pay to be nice.

It had been a hard lesson learned.

I would play the fool no more.

Concern covered Logan’s face. “Tyson?”

“Yes. I told him we were done and to get his stuff by nine tonight or it would be on the curb.”

“Good. You can stay with me until then or I can go over there and wait with you—”

“No, I’m fine. You already had plans.”

“They weren’t plans I can’t cancel and this is more important. After reading that stuff, I don’t even know who Tyson is. I want to make sure he doesn’t bother you or try something stupid.”

“Don’t worry. My brother will be there.”

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes.” I turned my phone back on. “I’ll text him now to make double check.”


We didn’t even order. The notebook had ruined both of our appetites. I messaged my brother and he was happy to come on over to my place and wait for Tyson to show up..

We left the café in silence.

When we entered the car, Logan took his book out and gave me the bag.

It sucked that Tyson had ruined the day, or more like I’d let him ruin it. I vowed that any other time I hung out with Logan, I would stay in the moment and just enjoy my time with him.

If anything, regardless of Tyson’s deceit, I’d gained a good friend. Unlike Tyson, I trusted Logan and never got an icky feeling around him. If anything, I remained comfortable and enjoying myself.

I’ll never second guess my gut again.





ogan dropped me off at my apartment and walked me inside. He spent a good ten minutes checking the area as if Tyson was in my apartment hiding and waiting to jump out.

I smiled. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Tyson’s been full of surprises lately.” He checked the bedroom, even glancing under the bed and in the closet. “I don’t want you to have any more crap to deal with.”

“All clear?”

He left my bedroom, ducked his head in the kitchen, and checked the living room. “Yeah. All clear.”


“If Tyson arrives before your brother, call me. I don’t want him here without another man around.”

I started to speak, but he cut me off.

“Mia, I’m not saying you can’t handle yourself. I’m just saying that Tyson has proven to be a slime ball. Who knows what he would do when pushed into a tight corner? He’s probably been planning on staying with you for a while—rent free.”

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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