Keep Her From Harm (The Denton Family Legacy 4) - Page 23


“You’re handling him well,” Charlotte said.

“Thank you. He’s only a couple of months old. I really don’t know what to do most days, and I’m just trying to remember what I’ve seen in movies, and what everyone else has done,” Mia said.

“It’s all you can do,” Jacob’s wife, Lou, said. “I don’t think anyone is ever prepared for a baby. I know I wasn’t, and I’ve got another on the way.” She rubbed her swollen stomach.

“Men think we have some special switch that means we know what we’re doing,” Harper said. “At least I got Abel to change diapers, and to be part of Evan’s early years.”

“How was Maddox with your lot?” Ruby asked. She was Oliver’s wife, and also heavily pregnant.

The smile on Charlotte’s face faded. “He … wasn’t around all the time. Maddox and I, we didn’t have the best start, and it took some time for things to settle. Seven children later, and we’re still struggling.”

Mia saw the pain in her eyes, and she went to her, wrapping her arms around Charlotte, offering her comfort.

The older woman took it and then pulled away, wiping away tears. “That’s enough about me. Look at all of you. Bringing up my boys I’d hoped for daughters-in-law as nice as you, and that is all I ever wanted. I better go down and check on the chicken.”

When they were alone Mia looked toward the group. “I’m not a daughter-in-law. I think I’m a nanny and a housekeeper mostly. Damian has been really nice to me.”

“It’s not long before a Denton gets under your skin, and I should know,” Ruby said. “I tried to kill my husband when I first met him.”


“Yes, I was a one-woman army, and I intended to kill every single Denton man. Of course, I was wrong about most things, and I ended up falling in love with Oliver rather than killing him.”

“Which I’m more than happy about,” Oliver said, coming into the large nursery. “I thought I’d find you here, getting hints and tips.”

“I have to. Our due date gets nearer every single passing day.” Ruby placed a hand one her stomach, and then took Oliver’s hand, placing it on her rounded bump. “Do you feel anything?”

“I feel our girl or guy moving.”

“You don’t know the sex yet?” Mia asked.

“We could have found out together, but we wanted it to be a surprise. It has been hell trying to stick with neutral colors for the nursery.” Ruby kissed Oliver’s cheek.

Mia watched the couple while trying not to gawk. The two were clearly in love, and she rubbed at her chest as a flash of pain rushed through her. Oliver rubbed Ruby’s stomach, and then his hands moved up to her shoulders giving her a little massage. Ruby leaned back, using Oliver for support.

Pregnancy hadn’t been easy for Mia. In fact, she had found it hard, painful, and at times humiliating. Toward the end when her stomach had been so big she could barely move, and she had to roll and crawl to places just to stand up. There hadn’t been anyone for her. Ivan obviously had offered, but she hadn’t wanted him to come near her.

There had been a time during the first few weeks, even the first couple of months, that she had thought about a termination, and then it was like Reese had known, and he’d kicked. She’d been crashed out reading a library book, and he’d

kicked out.

From that moment on it had felt like she was no longer alone. “I’ll go and see if Charlotte needs any help.”

She made her way down to the kitchen and paused outside as she saw Maddox and Charlotte inside.

“What do you want from me, Maddox? Do you want me to beg you for forgiveness? Do you want me to overlook everything that has happened?” Charlotte asked. “I don’t get it. You’re mad at me for being nice to your son, and you’re angry at me for being pissed at you. What do you want from me?”

“I want us to go back, Charlotte. I want you to look at me and smile, and not be pissed at me. I’m sorry I messed up. I can’t take that back.”

“I didn’t ask you to. I asked you if you knew? If you had any idea that Gabriel was yours, and that’s what hurts. You even had an idea that there was a chance, and yet you did nothing. You’re not the man I thought you were, Maddox. That was your boy, your son, and you left him like that. You think Colton didn’t have a clue? That he wasn’t suspicious?”

Mia gasped as someone stepped right up close. She turned her head to find Damian behind her. The two people in the kitchen were so consumed by their argument they didn’t hear her intake of breath.

Damian placed a finger against his lip, and they moved away, heading toward a library.

“I really shouldn’t have heard any of that.”

Tags: Sam Crescent The Denton Family Legacy Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024