Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2) - Page 37

My eyes widen, because I’m pretty sure JW’s not exaggerating. The look in his eyes suggests he’s ready to kill the guy if he doesn’t answer.

“JW, that’s enough!” I bark.


We all turn and spot Remi standing behind us with Elijah in her arms. As soon as she sees Ki, a big grin forms on her face and she squeals. She rushes to Jenny and gently deposits Elijah in her arms before sprinting to Ki.

“Oh, my God! I can’t believe you’re here!” she yells, launching herself against him. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her in a tight hug.

“It’s good to see you, little sis,” he murmurs against her hair.

Realizing the man isn’t a danger, JW takes a step back, but he doesn’t lose the scowl. If anything, it deepens as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Remi pulls back but keeps her hands on Ki’s chest and stares up at him with eyes full of love. “You were supposed to tell me when you were coming,” she accuses good-naturedly.

He tweaks the end of her nose with the tip of his finger, his dimples popping out once again. “I wanted to surprise you.”

“Well, you certainly managed that,” she responds with a laugh.

“Someone better tell me who in the hell the guy is who has his arms wrapped around my wife.”

Remi spins around just as Trouble walks into our small group. His hands are casually shoved into his pockets, but from the hard set of his jaw, the relaxed look is deceiving. He looks about ready to throw his own punch.

Remi leaves the curve of, who I’m guessing is her brother’s arms, and walks over to grab Trouble’s hand from his pocket. She tugs him with her.

“Trouble,” she begins, her smile widening, “This is my big brother, Kian. Kian, I want you to meet my husband, Trouble.”

Some of the displeasure leaves Trouble’s face when Kian holds out his hand for him to shake. Once he lets go, he puts a possessive arm around Remi’s waist, even though the act is wasted because the man is her brother, not potential competition.

Out the corner of my eye, I notice JW moving to my side. I cast him a contentious look to let him know I didn’t care for his attitude of before.

Remi introduces her brother to each of us. When they turn to JW and me, his arm locks tighter around my waist, and I get tugged into his side. I think about shoving him away, but if I’m honest with myself, having his solid frame against me feels entirely way too good to move.

The lucky bastard.

Kian holds out his hand to JW, and at first, I don’t think he’ll take it, but after a slight hesitation, he does. However, the hostile look stays on his face, and I can’t help but wonder about the reason behind it.

Remi takes Elijah from Jenny and turns to her brother. “And this little man is Elijah.”

The look of awe and instant love on Kian’s face as he stares down at his nephew would melt anyone’s heart. There’s nothing more beautiful than watching a tough-looking grown man fall in love with a baby.

“He’s perfect, Remi,” he says softly.

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I think all three of us women blink several times to keep back the moisture in our eyes.

Judge walks up just then, and he’s introduced to Kian as well. He interlocks his fingers with Jenny’s, but I don’t get the sense it’s out of possessiveness, but more of a natural reaction of being close to her.

“I wanna talk to you,” JW murmurs, interrupting my perusal of his family and friends.

Before I can answer, he’s tugging me away from the group and around the corner of Trouble’s office building. I open my mouth to ask what in the world he’s doing, but I’m stopped short when I’m pressed to the brick building and his lips are devouring mine.

All thought escapes me as he attacks my mouth, demanding entry with the rough swipe of his tongue. I open immediately, because I’m weak and have no chance, let alone no desire, to deny him. JW can be very persuasive, especially with his talented tongue.

His arms band around my waist, tugging my chest against his, at the same time my hands lace through his hair, yanking his head closer to me. The man is impossibly addicting. I love his taste, and I love the way he makes me feel. Like I’m the only person in the world. Like I’m special.

His groan is deep and growly when he pulls away and begins trailing his lips over my chin and down my neck. I tilt my head to the side to give him easier access to the tender spot he’s laving.

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024