Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2) - Page 6

“Her body was covered in lacerations,” I continue, my voice just above a whisper. “I froze in shock. All I could do was stand there and watch. I don’t know if the girl was alive. But I know she couldn’t have survived it when he grabbed a knife and sliced her from her pubic bone up to her sternum. Her guts spilt from her body and landed at his feet.”

I turn back to JW and see a scary mask over his face.

“I don’t know how I managed it, but I left without making a noise. He never knew I was standing there. Or at least, I thought he didn’t. I went home to think before going to the police, but then he showed up. Apparently, one of his staff saw me at the door and told him. After I fell to the floor with the hit to my face, he demanded to know where the disk was. When I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about, his boot landed against my ribs. The only thing that saved me is one of my neighbors heard his screams and called the cops. The sirens scared him off, but he gave me a warning before he left. He told me his real name and said I had a week to come up with the chip. Today makes a week. Once he told me his name, I knew there was no way I could go to the police. Everyone knows the Tomases have connections in the department.”

JW springs up from the couch and begins pacing the room, muttering to himself so low I can’t understand him. His hands are propped on his hips and he looks irate. I can practically feel the pissed off vibes coming from him.

He spins back, his eyes piercing me where I sit. “You said you don’t have this chip. You don’t have any idea what he’s speaking of?”

I throw my hands in the air in frustration and let them fall heavily back in my lap. “I’ve already told you,” I say in exasperation. “I don’t know anything about a chip.”

A knock at the front door stops whatever he’s about to say. With a muted growl, he stalks out of the room. My eyes move to Jenny. She smiles faintly at me.

“You have to excuse JW. He’s normally not so hot with his temper. He’s typically pretty laid back.”

“Guess I just bring out the worst in him. Which is telling because I just met the guy an hour ago.”

Her hair bounces when she shakes her head.

“That’s not it. Violence against women and children is a very sore subject for him.”

I tilt my head and regard her. “Are you two… together?”

Why does the thought of that sour my stomach?

She laughs lightly. “No. I’m with Judge.”

I inwardly release a sigh. “Judge?”

She nods. “Yes. Although that’s not his real name, it’s what we all call him.”

JW comes storming back in the room. His expression is still flat, but not quite as dark as it was a moment ago. Another man is on his heels. I mentally roll my eyes when I notice his good looks. Why is it that hot guys always hang out with other hot guys? Thick black hair and stunning blue eyes makes him almost as good-looking at JW.

“This is Dr. Trayce. He’s going to check over your ribs,” JW states before walking behind the bar in the corner. Once there, he grabs a glass from under the bar, pulls the stopper off a decanter, and pours a healthy amount of the amber liquid in the glass. His throat bobs as he tosses it back.

The new man, Dr. Trayce, steps forward and offers his hand. His eyes assess me with curiosity. When his gaze lands on my nice shiny black eye, the muscles in his jaw twitches.

“You can call me Trouble.”

I frown, look down at his hand, before slipping mine into his. “Eden.”

“Which side is injured?”

It takes me a moment to realize what he’s referring to. “The left.”

He takes a seat on my left side. “You mind lifting your shirt?”

I lift my left arm over my head, and using my right hand, pull my shirt up to just below my breast. Instead of paying attention to what the doctor’s doing, I look back over to JW. He has one hand leaning on the bar, while the other holds a freshly poured glass. His gaze is locked on me. I lose his eyes just long enough for him to tip the glass back and drain it.

I have no idea what he’s thinking, but whatever it is sends a light thrill through me. Goosebumps appear on my arms, and I don’t for the life of me understand why.

I break my gaze away when Trouble presses against a sore spot. I hiss out a breath and look down to where his fingers are. The skin is a light-purple but doesn’t look too bad. My eye looks much worse.

“I don’t think they’re cracked. And they’re obviously not broken. You’re breathing fine and there’s no inflammation in the area. I pressed pretty hard. Had they been broken or cracked you would have been withering on the floor.” He stands. “Only thing you can really do is ice the area and don’t sit still for longs periods at a time. You want to stay mobile to keep from becoming stiff. If there’s any problems, let Jenny know and she’ll call me.”

“Thank you.”

He tips his chin, then turns to Jenny. “Remi wanted me to pass along that Elijah likes the teether you bought him.”

Tags: Alex Grayson Hell Night Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024