The Naked Fisherman (Fisherman 1) - Page 72

“Where’s Fisher?” Rory asked as we walked around to the back of the house.

“Still working. He took me car shopping this morning, so I think that put him a little behind today.”

“Oh, that’s right. Did you find anything?”

I shrugged. “I suppose. I just need to talk to Grandma and Grandpa since they have to approve all large purchases and transfer the money to my account.”

She opened the door. “So what did you find? I love my Outback. Did you look at Subarus?”

“Um … yeah, we actually test drove a Forester.”

“Nice. Was it in your price range?”

“Yeah, but I saw another small SUV that I liked too. We didn’t test drive it today, but I might another day.”

“That’s good. You don’t want to make a rash decision. It’s your first big purchase.”

“I know.” I unlaced my boots, slipped them off, and tossed my backpack onto my bed. “I’m going to grab a quick shower.”

“Okay. I’ll start dinner,” Rory called.

Chapter Twenty-One

I didn’t see Fisher again until Friday afternoon. He was buried in work, so Rory took me to the office in the morning and Hailey dropped me off after work.

Fisher texted me later that day.

I’ll give you a ride home. See you in twenty.

“Fisher’s picking me up,” I said to Hailey as I sat at Fisher’s desk, going through receipts submitted by subcontractors.

“Then, I am out of here. Tell Bossman I had to run to the post office before it closed.”

Eyeing her, I grinned. “You don’t have to run to the post office, do you?”

She winked. “I have a date. And I’d love a pedicure.”

“Have fun.”

“Oh, I will. Bye.” She floated out the door with a big grin.

Hailey deserved to grin. She had a date. Fisher had a date. Rory didn’t have a date, but she had a friend to hang out with on a Friday night. I had my tumultuous thoughts and crossword puzzles to build.

Just as I finished paper-clipping the last of the receipts, Fisher came through the door. His beard was a little scruffier than usual. His jeans a little dirtier. And he wore a baseball cap that looked pretty used and soiled as well.

“Hey,” he said, flipping through the pile of notes for him from Hailey on the corner of his desk.

“Hey.” I piled everything neatly in the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet then stood and hiked my bag onto my shoulder. “I was surprised you messaged me. Hailey could have given me a ride home.”

“I had to knock off early anyway. Rory wants to leave by six.”

Eyes wide, I bit my tongue and nodded several times.

“What are you doing tonight?” He filled a coffee mug with water from the cooler.

Missing you. Soothing my aching heart. Hating Rory for inviting you.

“I’m not sure yet. I’m sure I’ll find something age appropriate to do.”

Fisher finished gulping the water and set the mug on his desk. “I remember being your age and feeling like I wasn’t old enough to do anything fun.”

“I have plenty of fun things to do.” I walked to the door.

“I’m going for Rory. It would seem very odd to her if I didn’t go. Before you moved here, I went out to clubs with them a lot.”

“Well, you’re going. I don’t need to hear your reasoning.” I sulked to his truck and climbed into the passenger’s seat.

On the way home, I didn’t say anything. What could I say? Fisher didn’t speak either, but he took every chance to give me a quick glance like I was going to give away something in my demeanor or meet his gaze and talk. I had nothing to say about his big date night.

“Whose car is that?” I asked when we pulled into the driveway. But I quickly figured it out.

“Rose’s,” Fisher said.

On his porch, sat three women. Rory and who I assumed was Rose and Fisher’s date. They were all in dresses. All laughing. And all sipping wine like non-teenaged adults.

“Well, I hope there’s a DD tonight.” I pulled hard on the door handle and hopped out of the truck before he put it in Park, slamming it shut with a little extra attitude.

“Sweetie, come meet my friends,” Rory called.

I didn’t want to meet her friends. Well, I didn’t mind meeting Rose, but the interior designer could have sucked my proverbial cock. As soon as those words floated through my mind, I made the decision that I would spend the night in prayer and scripture because I didn’t want to be the person thinking someone could suck my proverbial cock. Yet … that was my situation, and I hated it.

“Hi.” I plastered on a fake smile.

“Reese, this is Rose and Rose’s friend, Tiffany.”

“So nice to see you again,” Rose said. “We actually met when you were much younger. Your mom had you at the salon in Nebraska one day when I came in for my appointment. But … you had a long summer’s worth of freckles on your face and pigtails. You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman.”

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Fisherman Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024