The Naked Fisherman (Fisherman 1) - Page 40

“Stop it.” I giggled through my nerves.

“Come here. I’m not going to chase you this time.”

Gathering up my bravery like collecting the contents of a spilled purse in the grocery store aisle, I turned and bent over, resting my hands on my knees. If he wanted to kiss my backside, then I would let him. No big deal. Nothing to be nervous about.

“Oh, Reese …” He drew out my name while kneeling behind me.

I wasn’t sure why he needed to kneel behind me.

Bend down and kiss it. Whatever. Just do it and be done.

But my thoughts were simpler than his.

“You’re a walking wet dream.”

“What are you doing!” I jumped.

“Kissing your ass,” he said in his calm voice while curling his fingers into the waistband of my jogging shorts and slowly pulling them down to expose my bare backside.

I grabbed one of his arms to stop him.

“I’m not kissing your shorts.”

Fisher ignored my hand gripping his forearm as he exposed one side of my butt. With my other hand, I gripped the front of my waistband and held on for life so he couldn’t completely remove my shorts and panties.

He kissed my bare butt slowly at first. Then, he kissed it harder with a lot more suction.

“Fisher …” I squeezed my glutes. “You’re going to leave a mark.”

“Mmm …” He licked the spot that he kissed so hard. “No mark.”

As I started to relax, he gave a quick tug and pulled down the other side, totally exposing my entire backside. And before I could protest, he kissed that side and …


He. Bit. Me.

He bit my ass, and I knew there was no way it wasn’t going to leave a mark, his freaking dental records on my ass!

Lapping his tongue over the area several times, he chuckled. “Now I’ve left a mark.”

It wasn’t funny.

Then he kissed it.

“Why did you do that?” I said, a little breathless and completely stunned.

“Because…” his hands pressed to the front of my thighs as he kissed my backside everywhere “…I wanted to.”

Beneath the shock, I felt turned on. It felt good. And that confused me. Sex was black and white for me. This was murky and confusing. It wasn’t sex, but it was sexual. It was intimate. And I knew it would have to stop soon because Rory was coming home.

My hands relaxed and the front of my shorts and panties immediately dropped a couple of inches from the tension at the back. Fisher stilled his motions when he realized what I did. I don’t know why I did it or what I expected to happen next. I just … I liked him touching me even when it felt a little wrong.

So I stood there, waiting for him to deliver more kisses, waiting for his hands to move from the front of my thighs to … That was just it. I really didn’t know what I expected or wanted from him. I guess I wanted him to teach me something.

Something new.

Something intimate.

Something a little forbidden.

With my heartbeat tripping over itself, looking for a normal rhythm, I started to turn toward him. He gripped my legs tighter and rested his forehead on my lower back.

“Don’t.” He sighed. “Just …” He blew out another harsh breath, and I felt his forehead rolling side to side against my back. “Fuck … we … can’t.” He pulled up my panties and shorts. “Rory’s coming home soon.” He stood behind me and kissed the top of my head. “I’m going to get dressed. Go put on jeans. We should head to my parents’ house now.”

Chapter Fifteen

“My hair is going to be a mess.” I tugged off my helmet after he pulled into his parents’ gravel drive in Coal Creek Canyon. They lived in an A-frame house shrouded in pine trees with not a neighbor in sight.

He took my helmet and my jacket as I ran my fingers through my hair. After a few seconds, I glanced up at Fisher smiling at me with a hint of something in his eyes.


He shook his head. “You’re killing me.”

“Why?” I continued to comb out my hair.

“Because I want to do very naughty things to you right now, but little kids are staring out the window at us, so I have to keep my hands to myself. And it’s really fucking hard.”

I paused my hands.

“Stop blushing,” he said. “They can see you.”

I talked through gritted teeth and a fake smile. “I can’t exactly control it when you say things like that to me. Why? Why did you say it?”

He glanced at the window and the peering eyes for a second before turning toward me. “Because for forty-five minutes, you’ve been wrapped around me, and I now know what your face looks like when you come, so it’s all I thought about.”

It thrilled me to know it wasn’t just me. That he wasn’t as cool and collected as I thought. Fisher was far from unaffected by me.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Fisherman Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024