Filthy (Diamondback MC 5) - Page 11

“Shit, I’m sorry.” I start to move away from him, but his hand stops me in my tracks.

“Nothing to be sorry about. Know that I’m happy as fuck you’re offering, and I’ll be more than happy to oblige in a couple of weeks.” Cole nuzzles into my neck, lips gliding along the length until he’s whispering into my ear, only making me rub my legs together more.

“Fine, but if that’s the case, I’ve got to get out of this bed before I attempt to molest you.” This time, Cole allows me to move, grumbling.

“Fuck.” I flip the sheets off, baring Cole’s body along with what he’s packing between his legs.

“Wanna join me in the shower?” I’m trying to tempt him to get in with me, but I can tell by the look on his face that won’t work either.

“Not helping matters, Fallon.” His voice is still deep from sleep.

“I wasn’t trying to.” I give him a finger wave over my shoulder and walk away, wishing like hell Cole really would join me even if it isn’t for sex but to see everything he’s packing without any fabric covering him.



“I hear Fallon is givin’ you hell, brother.” Rage claps me on the back as we all make our way into Church, a meeting that I asked for.

“You don’t know the half of it,” I grouse. Two weeks. It’s been fourteen days of nothing but sheer torture and the biggest case of blue balls. Fallon could graze my cock right now, and I’d probably come on the spot. I’ve tried to be a gentleman while she’s healing, adjusting to her heart medicine with the new blood thinner she’s, on and her dealing with her new attorney. Shit is getting harder, though, especially when she walks out of the bathroom naked, wraps herself around my body every night, and the teasing touches of her hands.

“What’s goin’ on?” Ruger chimes in.

“Fallon is fuckin’ with him, but not in the way he wants, or maybe it is.” Rage claps my shoulder and then takes his seat as the other men file in behind him.

“That sucks, brother.” Razor passes me by with those words.

“Yeah, yeah, are we gonna sit here and talk about our dicks or have a meeting?” There are some things a man does not wanna talk about, and holding Fallon off, especially when she’s all too willing to give it, me being the one to stop her, is one of them. Truth be told, I want Fallon in the right head space. Not only that, something about taking a woman when she’s still banged up and bruised by the hands of a fuckin’ psychopath, that’s got to do a number on her. Gotta say, the only marks I want us to have are the ones we place on each other’s body when I’m fucking her so hard, she’s grasping at any inch of skin she can.

“Meeting. Got shit to do. Persephone has a fuckin’ honey-do list the size of my arm.” Shovel strides in, heading right to his seat.

“Finally someone with their head on straight.” I take my seat down the line, closest to the door. There’ve been many times I haven’t been here when Church was called because of work or Monroe. But now Monroe is older, out on her own, and I’m taking on fewer shifts at the hospital, so much as thinkin’ about retiring. Fuck, the damn club almost needs me more than the emergency room most days.

“Alright, what do you have, Doc?” Shovel announces now that everyone is seated, men on each side of the table, him at the head, Razor to his right, and Ruger to his left.

“I just got off the phone with Russell. Brad hasn’t poked his head out of the hidey hole he’s been in up until now.” Not sure what made Russell not go after Brad in the first place, especially with the friends he has working with him. I could only conclude Fallon had a say in it. That was until today. “I didn’t know Russell’s crew he worked with once upon a time until he was medically discharged when Fallon was six. Seems he was working behind the scenes, digging up as much dirt as he could on Brad’s family, and he hit pay dirt. Brace, fellas, because we could get blowback from this and a fuck ton of press if they link Fallon to me.” I don’t get another word out before someone chimes in.

“Motherfucking fuck, we need to call lockdown?” Shovel asks.

“Might be best, but it won’t be for a few more days until things are taken care of. I wish like hell Russell would let me in on what he’s doing and how he’s taking them down, but he’s not.” I get what he’s doing or trying to do. Still doesn’t make it easy.

Tags: Tory Baker Diamondback MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024