Sweet Revenge - Page 61

Elise stared at me with her mouth open, the shock and horror of it all finally starting to sink into her empty brain.

“You bastard!” She bellowed. “You are going to be so sorry. No one treats me this way and gets away with it. Do you have any idea who my father is?”

“No, and your mother probably doesn’t either. Get the hell out of my house. Good riddance to your lazy ass.”

I walked behind her as she stormed out of the house. I couldn’t help but stare at her perfect ass as it wiggled angrily back and forth down the front steps to her car.

I would miss that, but there were principles at stake here.

I closed the door behind her and locked it. After telling the butler to go pick the kids up at school, I went to my office, poured a bourbon, and sat down behind my computer. It was time to create a new profile. I had to find a new nanny and I had to do it fast. With my work schedule I had no time for the kids during the week and no interest for them any other time. But I was damned proud of how they were turning out. They were strong and independent. They were working on the noise factor, but then again they were not quite four years old. That would come in time. I needed to groom them to take over the empire one day.

Or not. I had every intention of spending each and every single dime and penny that I had before I died. The kids might just have to forage for themselves in this world as I had done. Nothing came easy. If it did, then you would end up not appreciating it. Or squandering it, like I planned to do.

I chuckled to myself as I sipped the bourbon and started to craft a profile for the new nanny position.

When I was finished I read it over and posted it to Craigslist and a few other well-trafficked sites.

I hoped that someone decent would actually apply.

Just then I heard the noise. The kids were back. Dammit.

They instantly bounded up the stairs and into my office because I’d left the door open forgetting that I no longer had privacy in my own house.

“Daddy,” Nicki asked. “Will you play with us?”

It came out sounding like “Wilv you pway wif uss?”

I wanted to be upset about this but his speech was actually getting better.

“No,” I said. “I have work to do. Go play quietly in your room. If you boys make a damn peep in there, then I’m going to whip you both good.”

Nicki began to whine. “Please!”

That was it. I was not going to put up with that disrespect. I stormed over to him, grabbed him, and smacked him across the face. It wasn’t a hard hit, but enough to jolt him out of his childish tantrum and remind him who the boss was.

He started crying and walked out.

“Knock it off or you’ll get more.”

His brother looked at me and then at Nicki before quietly following behind him.

“Damn kids,” I said.

Why did I keep them around? I was so sick of them?

Sometimes I really wondered. My life would have been so much freer without them. But they did attract sexy nanny’s…

Chapter Twenty-Three


Here we go. Just be calm.

I knocked on the door and waited. I was so nervous. I’d been watching Ted for several days trying to determine the best way to make an entrance back into his life when I saw his nanny storm out and flip him the bird before getting into her car and driving off like a mad woman. It did not take much to put the pieces of that puzzle together.

Then it hit me. That was perfect. I figured he would be posting an ad online, as he had finally gotten me to do a few years ago. When I found his ad I responded to it and tried to make it sound as good as possible, but mostly I tried to make myself look as sexy as possible. I knew Ted better than he probably knew himself. And he would only hire attractive nannies that he thought he could sleep with. That was a given.

So, I was now going to be that nanny. And it would be a great way for me to ingratiate myself back into the boys’ lives and get to know them. Wow, they would be almost four years old now. I couldn’t believe how long it had taken me to get there. But I was there.

Boys, momma’s coming. I love you.

The door opened and a man I didn’t recognize, but did recognize as a butler answered the door. He was middle aged and held a look of utter smugness and contempt on his face. I could only imagine what a tyrant Ted was to work for when I wasn’t there to run interference. Ted always left the staff and the dealings with them all up to me. I felt this man’s pain from the moment he opened the door.

Tags: Mia Ford Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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