Sweet Revenge - Page 31

“So, congrats on being married, man. Leia is an awesome girl,” Ricky said. He and Leia had not really met much before this, except an occasional word at my weekly poker game with the fellas.

I smiled. I had to agree. “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

Speaking of which, I decided that it was a good time to grab my new wife and bring her out on the dance floor. The band was playing some great eighties rock hits. We’d had our first official dance earlier, and it went beautifully. Our song was “Up Where We Belong”. It was a cheesy eighties song that I’d never been a huge fan of, but we made sure the band knew it when we booked them and Leia really wanted it. Just one of the many sacrifices I would now have to make as Leia’s husband. Par for the course really.

“Hey, baby,” I said as I took Leia’s hand in mine. She’d been over at a table talking to some people from work and a few of her bridesmaids. “Do you all mind if I borrow her for a moment?” I asked with a smile.

Everyone smiled and looked at each other, very happy for the newlywed couple who were so deeply in love.

I escorted Leia to the dance floor where I kissed her.

“Wow, aren’t you in a friendly mood?” Leia teased.

“Well, it’s a special day. Besides, do you have any idea how great you look in that dress? It’s all I can do to keep from peeling you out of it right here and now.”

Leia wrapped her arms around my neck as the band started in on a slow song called “Wonderful Tonight”.

Leia grinned. “I do, actually. And may I say I have the same sentiments about you in that tux. Wow, baby…”

I laughed. “You don’t get too used to it. I don’t like suits, especially tuxedos. This is kind of a rare occasion.”

Leia shook her head. “I have some news for you. In the world of business, it is kind of the norm to wear stuff like this. So, if you accompany me to business functions, social engagements, also known as parties—then you are going to be wearing similar attire.”

I frowned and scoffed playfully. “That’s disheartening, but if it’s what I got to do then it is what I got to do.”

“God, I love you,” Leia said hugging me closely. It felt nice to be near her. She was warm and inviting. And I was pretty happy. I’d gotten fairly lucky that she’d turned out to be such a great woman. But I had a feeling that ‘married life’ wasn’t going to agree with me and that was going to cause some conflicts and fights down the road. When Leia fought back against me or tried to keep me locked in her little cage to remind me of who I was supposed to be and how to act, she was going to see the side of me that I was pretty good at keeping hidden. The first time it happened would probably be even funny because it would completely blind side her.

She might start to realize that she’d made a terrible mistake. But by then it would be too late. I was going to have my hooks into her already.

A few days prior Leia had given me Power of Attorney over her. It was one of the final things that I wanted to clear up before we got married. Surprisingly, she was fine with it. If something ever happened to Leia, Heaven Forbid, then I would be in control of her estate and her money.

Of course Leia’s lawyer would have suggested that she not do this and that she even sign a prenuptial agreement, but I’d seen to his little red wagon. It was amazing the skeletons rich men typically had in their closet. I’d borrowed some money from Leia for some “medical bills” and used it to finance a stripper I’d met at my bachelor party. She was happy to accept ten grand to seduce Leia’s lawyer while a private investigator I hired got it on video. I then just had to use it to blackmail the lawyer into giving Leia some very bad legal counsel. The Lawyer who had married young before he had become a lawyer for very rich clients and was now worth a bit of money, was very interested in his wife not finding out, divorcing him, and taking him for a lot of money. It all worked out for the best.

And it worked beautifully.

After the dance was over, I held Leia in my arms and kissed her sweetly. “I love you so much,” I whispered. “How did I get so lucky?”

She laughed. “You are an idiot who almost got himself killed with a motorcycle stunt.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “That was actually the smartest thing I ever did.”

Tags: Mia Ford Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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