Seducing My Boss's Daughter (Forbidden Fun) - Page 17

“Because you shouldn’t be working for me. It’s so goddamn risky, and …” he drags his hands through his hair.


There’s real confusion on his face.

“I’m not sure what we’re doing,” he admits. “But I can’t seem to stop either. You’re on my mind all the time, and I can barely focus with you in the office.”

I smile gently. “But why? I’ve been keeping myself busy and out of your way.”

He shakes his dark head.

“Yeah, but I think about you, honey. I see you in my mind’s eye and it’s so fucking distracting.”

I look down at my jersey dress. “Is it my clothes? I thought I was keeping my appearance professional.”

Brad’s eyes roam over my curves, taking in the subtle cleavage and the curls draped over one shoulder. I see the heat in his gaze now. “Honey, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. You make everything look sexy.”

I giggle a bit then.

“But Brad, surely you can control yourself for just eight hours. You know I’m in your bed every night, and most mornings too.” After all, it’s true. My lover and I can’t keep our hands off one another, and I haven’t been back to my dorm room in what feels like ages now. Instead, I keep my clothes and toiletries at Brad’s place, and have almost moved in to be honest. It’s nice though. I love waking up to his insistent kisses at all hours, and our nights are filled with fireworks.

But at that moment, the waiter comes in and takes our order. After he leaves, I bat my lashes and murmur, “You know, you don’t make it easy, either.”

“Come again?” he drawls.

Pursing my lips, I look him over the way he did me before meeting his eyes once more. “I don’t think anyone has ever made a suit look as good as you, Mr. Landon. Oh, how I want to rip your clothes off you sometimes while we’re in the lunchroom.”

His expression grows hungry. “But you’re the one who put us in this situation, Katy. You asked for this internship.”

I nod while sweetly unfolding my napkin and placing it in my lap.

“I did, and I don’t regret it one bit.”

His expression tightens.

“Why though? You don’t want to work in politics, honey. I’m honestly shocked your dad even fell for it when you said you wanted to intern.”

Shrugging, I smile. “I’m interested in a lot more than you know, Mr. Landon. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but this internship isn’t some secret ploy to spend more time with you. I’m actually interested in what we do at the office.”

The handsome man gives me a hard look. “Really? The timing seems pretty suspect.”

I shrug.

“Yes, I know. And I admit, I’ve had fun this week letting you think I’m there to torture you, but I’m telling the truth about the internship. My dad and I have talked about it in the past, and it’s just a coincidence it happened now, after we connected. It’s also a coincidence he wanted you to be my boss.”

Brad leans forward like he has something to say, but then the waiter interrupts with our food and sets down two perfectly-cooked steaks along with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus. Yum, this looks delicious!

We dig in, and after a few minutes of eating in silence, my lover leans back, looking huge and handsome in his dark suit.

“I want to know,” he begins.

I quirk an eyebrow in question. “Yes?”

“You said you’re interested in a lot of things, baby girl. But what are they exactly? And don’t say politics. I know that’s just a recent thing.”

I giggle.

“It’s one of my interests, and one that I know you can discuss at length. But actually, I think I’d like to become an artist in my real life. Incredibly, my internship at the office has helped inform my choice because I don’t want to be just any artist doing painting, drawing, and whatnot. I’m really interested in public art works and public art spaces, and I’d love to learn more about how the government goes about commissioning artwork for its buildings and landmarks, much less maintaining and securing them.”

One of his black brows goes up.

“So you’re interested in how the government works with the public when it comes to the beatification of the city?”

I shrug and smile.

“Yes, and I’d also like to know more about the role of the Historical Preservation Society and maybe even the Cares Act because I understand there may be a public art directive included in the legislation. I just want to learn because there are so many stakeholders when it comes to public art projects, and I’d like to see first-hand how decisions are made.”

Brad smiles and relaxes for the first time, his big form losing that air of tension.

“You’re amazing sweetheart, you know that?”

“Why?” I laugh.

“Because you take in art from all sides. Not just pretty paintings to hang in galleries, but also evaluating a work’s history, funding, its context, and its meaning to a number of interested parties. It’s a complex analysis, and I’m impressed.”

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024