My Hot Hero: A Hot Heroes Boxed Set - Page 9

I follow his line of sight to The Stimulator lying on the floor and I want to die. “Umm.” What do I say? I can’t tell him he brought me to orgasm. Instead, I rush to the seat and shove the small but powerful vibrator into my purse and then march myself toward the door. I keep reminding myself that I did nothing wrong. “I’m doing my job,” I say, but I’m not sure who I am trying to convince, him or me?

Caine shoves off the doorjamb and settles his hand on my lower back. He leans over and breathes me in. “You smell like sweet fruits and sex. It’s a powerful mix, Janey.”

Any other man that tells me I smell like sex would find my size seven shoes up his bottom but the way Caine growls it out makes me want to press him to the wall and kiss him.

“I’m not sure that’s a good thing Mr. Stark.”

He stops in the middle of the hallway. I lean against the wall needing the solid surface to hold me up. He cages me between his hands on the wall. “It’s a good thing, Janey.” He leans in and takes a big breath. “A very good thing. And call me, Caine. I’ve been wanting to hear my name roll off your lips.”

“Caine. Is this a good idea?” He’s poised to kiss me, and I want it, but is it wise? I lay my hands on his chest thinking that the gesture will stop him, or stop me but the feel of him under my fingertips stirs another wave of desire.

He leans in and brushes his lips across mine. “Probably not, but I’m not known for being cautious.” He runs his tongue along the curve of my jawline until his teeth nibble at my earlobe. “If you don’t want this to happen, you need to tell me now.” He steps back and pulls my hands from his chest. “Did you think of me when you were pleasuring yourself?”

My knees buckle, and he leans into me to pin me against the wall. I want to tell him no, but the lie refuses to leave my lips. “Yes. I thought of you.”

His erection presses hard against my belly. He lifts my hands to his mouth and kisses my fingertips and then he sucks them into his warm heat one by one, the velvet of his tongue tasting me.

“No, I need—”

“To let me taste you. I’m jealous of these fingers,

Janey.” He goes back to sucking them one by one.

“Oh, God,” I moan. “What are you doing to me?”

He pops my finger from his mouth. “Nothing yet, but if you say yes, I’ll do things to you that you can only imagine.”

I lean my head against his hard chest. “I can imagine a lot.”

Caine steps back and smiles. “Let’s feed you. You’re going to need your energy.”

He steps back and adjusts the hardness in his pants. A bulge that can only be described as massive.

Still wobbly on my feet, Caine wraps his arms around my waist and gives me the support I need to make it across the street to Tupelo’s where we are seated in one of the private booths.

“I need to wash my hands.” I begin to rise but Caine reaches out and pulls me back.

“Don’t go. I fear you’ll run out the door, and I’ll never see you again.” He flags the waitress down and asks for a hot, wet, towel.

“I’d never do that. Does that happen to you a lot? Do women run in the opposite direction?”

He’s so damn sexy that I find myself scooting closer.

“No, but then again, I’ve never gone after a woman with such brazen abandon.” He scoots in closer until our thighs are touching, the heat between our bodies like an iron set to cotton. “You feel that?”

A nervous giggle bubbles from me. “How can I not? You’re on fire.”

His hand reaches below the table and rests high on my thigh. “You’re wrong. We’re on fire. I’ve never felt like this with anyone. Not like this.”

“I don’t want to lose my job. I need it.”

He lifts his hand and wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer. “No matter what, your job is safe. I’ll put it in writing.”

I chew my lips and twirl my hair. “I want this, but I’m scared.” I collapse into him giving up what little fight I had in me.

“This is going to happen, Janey, and it’s going to be amazing.”

Before I can say anything, the waitress appears with the towels and takes our order. Caine ordered enough food for a family of four.

Tags: Adele Hart Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024