Tangled (Playing With Fire) - Page 4

Secretly, so did she.

Talk about awkward.

Trevor glanced from Scarlett to Drake and then back to Scarlett. He’d almost had her. Hell, he still had a chance if he wanted to think positive. Drake was a distraction. A big one but just a distraction. One he could squash if he chose. He knew about her crush on Drake, he’d heard it from more than a few sources, his friend Austin being one of them.

Scarlett didn’t know about his crush on her. How much he wanted her—any way he could get her. He liked her quirky personality, the way she calmed everyone with a few simple words and tender touches. How she dressed, the flowing skirts and tinkling ankle bracelet and, yet, she was totally not his type.

But there was something about her. And he really liked the way she looked tonight.

She was dressed as some sort of sexy

, yet mean, schoolteacher who looked as if she would rather smack him than talk to him. It was smoking hot. Those ruby red lips, the hair twisted upon her head, revealing her slender neck, utterly kissable and tempting. And that shirt, unbuttoned so low he saw her black lace bra and the creamy flesh of her breasts.

He’d give anything to touch her breasts. Test their weight in his palms, find out what color her nipples were. Lick and suck and nibble on them until she cried out in pleasure.

Yeah, that was his goal. He had a lot of goals. Getting Scarlett Goldsmith naked and beneath him was one of them.

“Where are you two going?” The pointed tone in Drake’s voice was clear. He didn’t approve of them being together.

Drake wanted Trevor all to himself.

If Scarlett wasn’t around, Trevor might have taken Drake up on the unspoken offer. It was one of his deepest secrets that he enjoyed partaking in sex with other men on occasion.

Not often, hell, he didn’t even consider himself bisexual, and he definitely didn’t think of himself as gay. He just liked to get his dick sucked by a man sometimes. He liked to fuck them too. Sexual attraction was attraction after all, despite what gender a person was. He had no problem with it so why should anyone else?

The brief affair he’d had with Austin long ago had been out of control. The two of them together had combusted like wildfire. Two men who preferred to be in control fucking constantly, anywhere they could. Blowjobs in bathrooms, hand jobs in cars, you name it they did it. Until Austin had found someone new and dumped him like yesterday’s trash.

Which had been fine with Trevor. He hadn’t been looking for a relationship then. He and Austin remained friends, and he was happy for him. Happy that Austin had found Michaela. He’d shared a few details with Trevor, nothing too personal, but he got the sense that Austin and Michaela had a wild sex life. That she was uninhibited and willing to experiment in almost anything.

Secretly Trevor wanted to find someone just like Michaela. And he thought Scarlett was the perfect choice.

“Uh, we’ll be right back, okay?” Trevor smiled, reached out and gave Drake’s upper arm a quick squeeze. “I just need to take care of Scarlett real quick.”

“I don’t need taking care of…” she started, but Trevor cut her off with a look.

Surprisingly, she shut up. Nibbled on her plush lower lip instead, her teeth stark white against the deep red of her lipstick. The urge to kiss all that lipstick off was overwhelming, all encompassing and he breathed deep, trying to control himself.

He wasn’t one to lose control. He was always the one in control. Women threw themselves at him. He knew this, appreciated it, thanked the good Lord above every day for his bounty. He preferred men he could dominate as well. He liked to be in command though he wouldn’t consider himself a total caveman.

There was something about Scarlett tonight that made him feel possessive. Like he wanted to throw her over his shoulder and cart her off to a quiet room, where he could explore and ravish her body for the rest of the night. She would fight him off at first with little shoves at his shoulders, protesting whimpers low in her throat. Until finally she would give in to what she really wanted, which was him. And he would show her just how explosive it could be between them.

Yeah that sounded good. Too good.

“Let me take care of Scarlett, she’s hurting. Just give us a few minutes,” Trevor said to Drake though he hoped the last part wasn’t true. If he had his way, he’d cart Scarlett off and spend the rest of the night with her. Alone. Naked.

“Okay. See you later,” Drake said slowly, his expression wary. As if he didn’t believe him.

“Let’s go,” Trevor murmured close to Scarlett’s ear, catching a whiff of her delicious scent. The woman smelled good, sweet, like vanilla and something else he couldn’t quite figure out.

But he wanted to find out. He wanted to take his time with this woman. Wanted to get to know her, what made her tick, what she liked, what she disliked.

The problem was, he had a distinct feeling she disliked him. She seemed downright immune to him though he swore he saw a flicker of interest in those fathomless dark brown eyes.

That minute show of interest kept him in pursuit.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked once they got out of hearing distance of Drake.

“I don’t know. There are private rooms around here aren’t there?” He slowed his pace for her, wishing he could haul her into his arms and carry her somewhere. Though he figured she’d balk at that. Probably call him a few filthy names and demand he put her down.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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