Firefighter Phoenix (Fire & Rescue Shifters 7) - Page 84

“Oh,” Rose breathed, her throat choking up. “Oh yes. Yes.”

Breathless with happiness, she pressed up to him. He laughed out loud in pure joy, lifting her clean off her feet. She wound her arms around his neck, covering his face in kisses.

“Fly with me?” he whispered into her ear.

She nodded, too overjoyed to speak. He let her slide down his body again, carefully, until her feet were back on the warm sands. His fingertips left trails of fire across her skin as he helped her out of her sundress.

Her swan’s wings beat eagerly in her soul. Stepping back, Rose shifted.

All the breath left Ash’s body. To her surprise, he folded to his knees, never taking his eyes off her. He’d seen her animal before, many times, but now he was staring at her as if he’d never seen a swan before.

“Rose,” he breathed, delight spreading across his face. “Look at yourself.”

Puzzled, Rose curved her neck—and let out an undignified honk.

Her feathers were no longer plain black. Now every edge burned with golden-red light.

Astonished, she opened one wing, spreading her pinions. That hint of flame flickered around each ebony feather, as though they were about to catch fire.

“Phoenix fire.” Ash’s trembling hand stroked her plumes. Darting sparks swirled into the air in the wake of his touch. “We both share it now. Oh, my Rose. You are glorious.”

No need for an ungainly run-up now; her wings lifted her into the air as easily as thought. With a flash of fire, he shifted as well. He rose with her, trailing flame.

He called out to her, fierce and triumphant, as they spiraled into the sky. Delight surged through her, her feathers blazing even brighter in response. She swooped low, her reflection scattering fire across the sea, and he followed, a burning shadow matching her every movement.

They danced together on the wind, as the sky darkened and the stars came out to watch. With every brush of the Phoenix’s wing against hers, every arc of his body, the mate bond burned hotter, until it was a blazing inferno in her soul.

But she wanted more.

She dove again, this time heading for their cottage. She shifted as she flared her wings, returning to human form. No sooner had her bare feet touched the ground, his arms were around her, scooping her up.

Ash’s mouth pressed against hers, as hot and hungry as his fire. He carried her inside, kicking the door impatiently closed. The darkness of the cottage closed around them.

“Light,” she managed to get out, in between kisses. Her desperate fingers traced his face, his neck, his shoulders, but she wanted to see him too. Wanted to devour him with every sense, touch and taste and sight…

He didn’t reach for the switch. His hands didn’t pause in setting every inch of her aflame, yet light kindled, banishing the darkness. Dozens of white candles crowded every surface, sending up a sweet floral scent.

Rose laughed a little into his shoulder, recognizing that perfume. “Roses?”

“Always,” he breathed, kissing his way down her neck. “Always.”

There were rose petals scattered across the bed too. Their velvety softness caressed her skin as he laid her down on them. She stretched out, watching greedily as he stripped off his clothes for her. The soft glow of the candles highlighted every line of his body. Honed and hardened, weathered by years, marked by scars…and hers, all hers.

“Ash,” she murmured, opening for him.

His strong form covered hers.

And at last, there was no more waiting.

Chapter 28

Three months later…

Rose was in the cellar, counting beer kegs, when she heard the door open. It still creaked, even though it had been completely rebuilt. The contractor had been embarrassed, but in truth, Rose wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“Just a second!” she shouted, scrawling a quick note on her clipboard. Sh

e scrambled out of the hatch, brushing herself down, and hurried into the front room.

Tags: Zoe Chant Fire & Rescue Shifters Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024