Invitation Only (Private 2) - Page 88

My stom­ach felt acidic and warm. I had been dread­ing this


mo­ment for weeks, but Josh was right. When he put it that sim­ply, it seemed ob­vi­ous. Be­sides, I had on­ly kept the note a se­cret to pro­tect Thomas from his par­ents hunt­ing him down. Now that was no longer an is­sue.

'You're right,“ I said, de­ter­mined. ”I'll go right af­ter morn­ing ser­vices."

Just think­ing about it made me feel mon­umen­tal­ly bet­ter. I was ner­vous to let the po­lice know I had hid­den some­thing from them, but I couldn't wait to be free of it. Thomas had lied to me. Who knew how of­ten or about what? It was no longer my re­spon­si­bil­ity to pro­tect him. It was about time I got this whole thing over with, once and for all.

Tags: Kate Brian Private
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