Scratch the Surface - Page 102

“From what the police told us, the man in the Ford Bronco ran a red light because he was in a hurry, and another car hit him, which sent him sideways into the driver’s side of Ryan’s expensive new Lexus.”

“That was the accident?”


“So you two weren’t even in the car?”

He shook his head.

“Then what the hell?”

“Well, Ryan attacked the driver of the Bronco right in front of the police, because he’s clearly brilliant, and the guy—who was really big, by the way—picked him up and threw him into the police cruiser, because he also wasn’t that bright.”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I groaned, straightening up, feeling even better when Cameron took hold of my hand.

“So they brought the driver to the hospital to get checked out, they brought Ryan to the hospital to get checked out, and I came along because he’s my colleague. It’s what you do.”

“Sure, but I’m still stuck on the Donna part.”

“Well, when Ryan called his assistant, he had to leave a message, since the guy was at lunch, and I heard him leaving lots of different voicemails because he kept getting cut off, so I suspected something was eventually going to get lost in translation.”

“Like his car getting sideswiped turned into you guys being in an accident.”


It was nice, the whole being able to breathe again.

“And Donna, my lovely assistant, heard the mixed-up message from Ryan’s assistant, and that’s what she passed along, thinking it was right.”

“Got it.”

“And because she’s highly efficient, she called everyone.”

“Not your family, I hope.”

“No, thankfully, but she did get a hold of Mr. Stein, so that’s not great.”

“Oh no.”

“Ryan will either be demoted or fired, I don’t know which, but all of us reflect on Berg and Stein as a company, so you can’t attack people who have just been in an accident, no matter how pissed you are about your car.”


“And an assistant should always take a call from their boss, so my bet is that Ryan’s assistant is out as well.”

“What about Donna?”

“Donna needed to take a moment, slow down, and ask more questions, but her heart was in the right place, and she totally worked the phone tree and notified everyone.”

“The what-tree?”

“Never mind. I think I’ll be able to hold on to Donna, but I need to speak to Mr. Stein, and I’m thinking I should do that now.”

I sat there quietly beside him as he made the call, listening to him explain what had happened as his hand returned to my hair, unable, whenever he was close to me, not to touch me.

“That can never happen again,” I stated when he disconnected the call, turning to look at him. “My heart can’t take it.”

“Mine couldn’t either.” He took gentle hold of my chin, stroking my beard before he kissed me, first a bare brush of his lips, and then again, harder, and the third time, deeper, parting my lips with his tongue, slipping inside, needing more.

I broke the kiss, taking his hands in mine.

“You can kiss me all you want but I need you to understand something.”

“What’s that?” he asked gently, leaning in to give me a quick kiss on the ear.

“Are you listening?”

“I am,” he swore, meeting my gaze. “Tell me.”

“You’re not allowed to put yourself in any kind of danger. No pressure, but you know, you’re my one shot at happily ever after, so think before you decide to go skydiving on a work trip or something.”

His chuckle made me smile in spite of myself.

“Don’t laugh at me.” I squinted, going for threatening but coming off like I was pouting instead. “You knew the job was a lifetime commitment when you signed on.”

“Yes, I did,” he assented, placing a kiss on the side of my neck, under my ear, and then at the corner of my mouth. “As did you. And I’m not going anywhere without you.”

“That’s good,” I murmured, turning to him as he slipped a hand around the side of my neck and eased me close. “Stay with me.”

“You know I will,” he assured me, and when he kissed me, I felt it like the promise it was.


Tags: Mary Calmes Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024