Rendezvous (Renegades 5) - Page 16

“Just…so…much of you.”

“You don’t have it all yet.”


“Before I ask if you want me to back off, let me show you something I think you’ll like.”

He lifted one brow in a silent request for permission. When a smile quirked her mouth, Keaton used his body weight to push until she felt like he was so deep, he was at the back of her throat.

“Ah God…” she moaned.

And then he did…something…with his hips. Some dip or rock or…something that made shards of ecstasy rip through her sex. Her mouth dropped open, and sounds rolled out of her. Hungry, oh-my-God-don’t-you-dare-stop sounds. She writhed toward him and dug her fingers into his skin, needing more of whatever he was doing.

“Keat…” She couldn’t talk, couldn’t think. Her mind and body were absorbed with seeking more and more of the intense pleasure. She tried to lift into him, but he had her pinned to the sofa.

“Brooke, baby…” His voice was a breathless rasp, and his micro-thrusts grew faster and stronger and longer until they weren’t micro anymore, but burning ecstasy through her with each stroke. “God…you feel like fucking heaven.”

Her orgasm grew inside her like a bomb. It was nothing like anything she’d experienced before. And her whimpers grew louder and louder…

“Don’t…stop…” She didn’t know what she was begging for, just knew she needed more. “Don’t—”

He drew farther out, then hammered a couple of full thrusts home, surprising a cry out of Brooke. But before she tumbled over the edge of ecstasy, Keaton changed the rhythm with one slow torturous deep drive into her.

“Oh my God… Keaton… Please…”

Reaching overhead, he threaded his fingers with hers and looked directly into Brooke’s eyes. “I’m only going to last…for one…” He dropped his head and wiped his brow on her dress. “But I promise…more…after you let me…rest.”

“Then give it to me.” She flexed and tensed her fingers around his. “Because the sooner you get rest…the sooner I get more.”

A split-second smile flashed across his mouth, before his lips crushed hers and his tongue worked her mouth the way his cock worked her body. He smothered her cry just before the climax hit, and Keaton pulled back, greedily drinking in the sight of her as the orgasm finally shook her to the core. Blinding light filled her head while wild pleasure zapped every nerve ending in her body. And for those extended seconds, Brooke lost herself in the absolute present—no future, no past, just that moment of utter bliss.

She was still clinging to Keaton when his orgasm swept through. The force of it, of the way it rocked his powerful body, humbled her. The way it drew guttural, savage sounds from a man she’d always seen as fun-loving and easy-going, surprised her. And the way it so completely took him over moved her.

Keaton released his grip on her hands and eased most of his weight onto one arm. He rested his face against her neck, and his hot breath came in quick, heavy pants. “Can’t remember…last time I…couldn’t fuckin’ hold myself…together.”

Her brain wasn’t fully functioning yet. And she loved the feel of him against her. His heartbeat against her ribs, his belly against her belly, his soft hair against her neck.

She combed a hand through his hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I can’t believe we’re still dressed.”

He lifted his head, laughing. “That’s what I’m talking about. You had me so twisted around, I was too impatient to wait. You turned me into a fuckin’ teenager again.”

It took a second for his meaning to register. When it did, she turned her head, looked at him directly, and said, “Really?”

He propped his head on his elbow. “What do you mean ‘really’? Is sex always this passionate for you?”

A laugh bubbled out of her, and one of his dark brows winged up.

“I’m sorry. You make it sound like I do it regularly.” She stroked his face. “And I was asking because, honestly, I’m surprised I would be someone to instigate that reaction, considering who you usually hook up with.”

He brought a hand to her face, cupped her cheek, and stroked it with his thumb. “That’s exactly why. But…”—he winced a little—“can we not call this a hookup?”

“Um…sure.” She drew out the word. “Why?”

“It’s just… It doesn’t fit us. Whether we ever do this again or not doesn’t matter. You could never be just a hookup.”

That spot inside her that warmed every time she thought of him opened and ached. And the affection in his expression seemed to take on more weight, causing Brooke a little bit of alarm. “You’re right,” she admitted, then pushed some of the hardest words she could imagine from her mouth. “But, just so we’re on the same page, as much as the idea of something beyond a hookup intrigues the hell out of me, you know this can’t be any more than tonight given our responsibilities. Right?”

His mischievous grin appeared and sparked her playful side. The one she’d put on hold last year. The one that had to stay on hold for a while. “That intrigues you, huh?”

Tags: Skye Jordan Renegades Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024