Fat Cat Liar - Page 114

“Mr. Palmer, I’m not really sure why you’re here.”

His amusement dies, and he looks around the room again. “You have talent, Lawson, and are obviously very successful. You are the reason Morris won the Palmer Laboratory project. The Nerd Herd nailed their analysis, and your company had the best overall conceptual planning. Was going after Greer worth it?”

“Greer became my inspiration. I had no idea she was the brains behind the decision process.”

“Similar to how she had no idea you were the lead architect assigned to design an award-winning proposal?”

“Not exactly the same.”

“Why did you remove your name from every aspect of the project? It is my understanding that you are in line for a promotion to Vice President. Quite an accomplishment for a man your age.”

“Because I’m giving it all up. It’ll take a few months to close out everything and help conduct a search for my replacement.”

“Why?” he presses.

I stall in my answer, wondering if this is a trick of some sort.

“Come on, Lawson. I overheard you say you were coming to see me. What did you plan to say? Why on earth would I be a part of this crusade to help you win back my daughter? I’m here now, tell me.”

“Because none of it matters. My misguided ambition took me down a path I never expected. What started out as a plan of action to prove myself and my capabilities brought me the most important person in my life. I realized my mistake early on but was too stupid to stop it. Greer changed everything. What happened between us shook me to my foundation. I didn’t know someone so perfect existed. She showed me there’s so much more to life than money, fame, and distinction. I barely recognize the man I was before I met her in August. I regret a lot of things, but I can’t regret that my poorly plotted deception led me to Greer. If I could, I’d take back so many of my mistakes, but the one thing I wouldn’t change is meeting her. She became my purpose in life, and I won’t stop until she understands that. I will spend the rest of my life proving that to her, erasing the hurt and betrayal, until my last dying breath. She is everything.” My voice is rough and gravelly in my confession. The liquor churns in my gut as my emotions swell inside. I stare at the picture on my desk of us together, momentarily zoning out.

I’ve spent these last few weeks hating myself for what I did. But the truth just spilled out of my mouth. I’d do it all again if it led me to her. Greer Elizabeth Palmer was put on this earth for me.

I then think about how my admission sounds to a man like Kevin Palmer, the only man who could possibly understand my love for Greer. Before I can speak further, he clears his throat, pulling my attention back to him.

“How do you expect to provide a life for my daughter and grandchild without a job?”

His question catches me off guard, but the answer tumbles out automatically. “I have money, and I’m thinking of starting my own business. Staying with Morris would be a daily reminder to her of what I did. She needs to know it means nothing to me.”

“You’re wrong. Greer feels passionately about family. She’d never in a million years approve of you leaving the family business.”

“Are you saying I should stay? Take the promotion and not think of the effect it will have on Greer?”

“It’s not Morris Construction and Development that broke her heart. It’s Joshua Lawson Hall. He’s the one who has to pay for his mistakes, not his family or his business.”

I jerk my head a few times, trying to clear the confusion of his statement. “What are you suggesting?”

“I don’t like you. I hate what you’ve done, and I despise the fact my unwed daughter is pregnant with your child. If it were up to me, I’d keep Greer as far away from you as possible. But it’s not up to me. My daughter is suffering in a way I can’t fix. It kills me a little inside each day when I see her disintegrating into a shell of the woman she was. Now, I have to think about the unborn child she carries, knowing that he or she is going to grow up with a part of you inside.

“You asked me why I was here. I had to see for myself the ki

nd of man my girl fell in love with. Stan gave me a play by play of the scene that went down in Greer’s office. Even though he took great pride in roughing you up, he admitted he’d never witnessed such brutal heartache in his life—from both of you. My hopes were that you’d found a way to move on, but no such luck.”

“Never, I’ll never move on unless she is by my side.”

“So you’ve said.”

“It’s the truth.”

His eyes flash with skepticism, but he continues. “I went to the cemetery this morning before the ceremony. I needed to be close to my wife, search for answers on how to heal our daughter. The only answer I could come up with is to put my hatred aside and help her rediscover herself. Unfortunately, you are a part of that. Greer inherited most of her traits from her mom, but the one she got from me is our all-consuming ferocity of love. I could hope Greer would find someone else, but it’s highly unlikely she’d have the depth of feelings she has for you.”

At the mention of Greer with someone else, a throaty growl rumbles from my throat and I glare at him.

He has the audacity to laugh, swigging the rest of his bourbon and placing his glass on my desk. “I hate to admit this, Lawson, but there’s a lot of my younger self in you. Maybe not the lying asshole part, but the ambition, drive, and level of excellence you’ve achieved. Your persistence is admirable, but I think it’s time you upped your game.”

I get the strange feeling he’s about to offer me the piece of hope I’ve been searching for. “How so?”

“Greer and I leave tonight at seven for almost three weeks at our Hamptons home. Not sure your daily gifts will be delivered all the way out there.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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