Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 87

“No, your life was fucked up. Now, you have a new life, with people who love you and will do anything to make sure you’re okay. My mother adores you, my dad thinks you walk on water, and my brother is enamored with you. Our crowd is a wild bunch, but they would walk through fire for each other. I feel that way about you. But promise me something.”


“Promise me you’ll call if you need to talk. About anything.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

“That’s enough, Sparkle. The poor girl’s legs are shaking. Give her a break.” Declan walks in, pulling her to his side.

“Dec, we were only talking.”

“She’s the guest of honor, and we’re waiting on her to eat.”

I screech loudly as my legs are lifted and Robbie cradles me to his chest. “You can call her next week, RJ. Tonight, we celebrate.” He walks us into the kitchen and sets me down on a stool. Stepping between my legs, he kisses me lightly then hands me a full plate. Before moving away, he whispers, “Birthday surprises.”

During dinner, Robbie glances at his watch several times anxiously. I’m about to ask him what’s wrong, when his phone chimes and he visibly relaxes.

Once everyone finishes eating, Robbie leads me to the sofa, where a massive amount of presents have been set up on the coffee table. Alex and Cruz sit next to me, while Robbie disappears out the front door. My heart swells with emotion as I look at everyone in the room.

I clear my throat a few times. “I’m terrible with words, and even worse when being put on the spot, but thank you all for being here tonight. It means a lot. Umm, my birthdays have never been really special, but I’ll never forget this night.”

No one speaks, and I start to feel self-conscious until a voice booms behind me.

“You’re birthdays have always been special to me, baby girl.”

The familiar deep tone causes my throat to close and my heart to stop beating. I turn slowly, praying I haven’t imagined it.

The minute my eyes hit his, I scream, clambering to get over the back of the sofa. Cruz helps me, and people move as I run into my dad’s outstretched arms. I sink my head into his neck and wail, not caring about our audience.

“How… What… Why…?” I stammer and stutter, trying to form words. The beating of my heart and the rushing in my ears drowns his response out. I hold tight as he runs a hand down my back.

“Little Star, calm down. Shhh, calm down,” Dad soothes me and I’m momentarily taken back to the day he said the same words when he was going to prison.

“Babe, it’s okay.” Robbie’s warm hand cups my cheek and pushes my hair behind my ear. “Please stop crying.” I nuzzle into his palm. “Birthday surprises.”

It takes a minute for me to gather my composure, but when I lift back and see the tears in my dad’s eyes, I cry harder.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m out.” Relief and surprise hit me at the same time.

“You’re out?”

“Yeah, I’m out, here to stay. You’re old man is finally back.”

“Oh, Daddy! How?”

He looks over my shoulder, and I remember we’re surrounded by people, causing me to blush. Dad puts me down, and I turn to see every woman in the room with tears in their eyes and every man with a grin.

I wipe my face and smile widely. “Everyone, this is my dad, Thad Walker.”

If I thought the night couldn’t get any better, I was wrong. As soon as I introduce Dad, everyone moves in.

Robbie pours champagne as Dad explains his premature release. I’ll never understand, but apparently, James Hayes works miracles. He talked to a few people and insisted that Dad’s parole be considered early, considering the shitty circumstances he was in jail for. He vouched for him and told the prosecutor that a man like my dad was a person of honor, not a monster. So they released him five months ahead of schedule.

Dad acclimates to the group better than I imagined he would have. The few times he catches me staring, his face softens.

Robbie pulls me away to the back porch and holds me close before speaking. “You okay?”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024