Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 57

“What are you talking about, and who’s we?”

“Thad and me. She went to see your dad.”

My lunch coils in my stomach, threatening to reappear, and I become lightheaded. Robbie bends to lift me and sits us down, still holding me firmly.

“Please don’t make me drag it out of you, Chloe.”

“Maybe I should go,” Finn cuts in, looking at me sympathetically. My fondness grows for this man who is clearly concerned for me.

“Are you going to help us get to the bottom of what she wants?”

“I’m sure as shit going to try. You’re with Robbie. You’re family. Robbie’s made it clear no one fucks with you.”

I nod at Chloe to continue.

“Thad had a plan, Ember, he was going to take you out of that house and get you far away from the conditions you were living in. The plan was already in place. We’d been working together to get you registered in a high school up here, and Thad had met with a lawyer. He told Serena his plan to divorce her and take you with him. He told her that she could have the house, the cars, and half of the money in all their accounts. The only stipulation was he wanted you. Natalie was eighteen, so she could make the choice what she wanted to do, but it was a no-brainer. We all knew she would stay. During this time, he put the business in my name and also the inheritance, which you already know.

“You became Serena’s bargaining chip. That’s the only time in her fucking life she was decent to you. She told him if he’d give her more money in the divorce, she’d sign all parental rights over. One thing he did to throw her off was make some investments in your and Natalie’s names. She was livid because she couldn’t touch these investments. Thad wanted you to be taken care of, always. The day he got the call to get you at school because of the gash on your head was the last straw. He called me when the doctor was stitching you up. I had a room ready for you both to drive in that night. We know how that ended.

“Oh my God, she really never wanted me. All I did to try and be accepted was never going to be enough.”

Chloe wipes a tear off her own cheek and shakes her head. “No, Little Star, you were enough. She was jealous, so jealous she couldn’t see straight. Your dad loved you so much. He chose you time and time over her and Natalie. He didn’t want to be biased, but he watched how they treated you. I begged him to let me keep you until he could get the shit with Serena straightened out, but he couldn’t live without you. Since the day you turned four, I pleaded with your dad to let me show you a mother’s love.”

I press my lips together as hard as I can to stop the cry threatening to escape. Cruz is on his knees next to me, instantly pulling my hands into his. Robbie moves my head so I’m leaning into the crook of his neck as I sniff a few times to hold back the tears. The wound I thought was healed is starting to bleed again. After a few minutes, my emotions are under control.

“So after reconfirming she’s a world class bitch for the millionth time, why is she looking for me now?”

“My guess is she’s going to try to talk you into giving her some cash. Serena’s always been a manipulative person, but I’m not going to let her near you.”

“It’s not like I’m hard to find. She knows where the shop is. She knows where you live. Why didn’t she come to me directly?”

“We think she tried. The current security system shows a woman coming to the doors after six-thirty three times last week. We haven’t changed the hours on the window, so whomever it was, wanted to get here close to closing time. This woman was wearing a coat and hat, but I’m certain it was your mom.”

A chill runs down my spine. ‘My mom’ shows back up into my life to ask for money. It’s a kick to the gut.

“So what’s the plan?”

Robbie lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him. “The plan is that Finn and I are installing a more detailed security system in the store. We’re also putting a system at your townhome. Chloe’s going to talk to your dad and get me some information, and I’m going to look into your mom. See what kind of trouble she could be in. Once we know more on her motives, we can get a better plan together.”

“Oh my God, what is your dad going to think?”

“He’s not going to think anything, because he won’t know. Until you’re ready to share, he’s not involved in this.”

I nod and look around the room, catching the eye of everyone before speaking. “I may have broken down because of shock, but it’ll be okay. I’m stronger now, and they have no place in my life. The added security is probably not necessary.”

“It’s been on my to-do list for a while,” Chloe tells me with a warm smile.

“Anything else I need to know?”

“We’re going to find out what she’s up to and keep her the hell away from you. And when Thad comes home, keep her away from him, too.”

“Okay then, Hero, tell us about the new security system.” I point to Finn.

His eyes sparkle, and he gives me a wink. Robbie squeezes me possessively and moans low, “Please don’t flirt with my best friend.”

A giggle escapes as I lean into him, listening to Finn explain the latest and greatest in technology he and Robbie are installing on Monday. My mind tunes out and drifts to thoughts of my mom. No matter what everyone around me thinks, I want her to find me. It’s time she sees that her hold on me has vanished.

Chapter 17

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024