Surviving (Surrender 2) - Page 153

“Dec, for the next thirteen weeks, this is our life so let’s enjoy as much as we can.”

He kisses me deeply until my phone beeps to let us know it’s time for the interview.

Chapter 57


We get to Chicago in two days, and I’m ecstatic. Charlie, Abbi, and Ella are flying in. It’s been seven weeks since I saw them, and we have the whole weekend. I’ve met two or three other women on this tour that seem pretty cool. They’re also wives of musicians, so it’s nice to have them to talk to. We often get together on one of the busses a few nights a week for wine and gossip. It’s usually after a show when we push the guys to go hang out and blow off some of their energy. We’ve even started a little book club to discuss what’s hot in the romance genre right now.

We’ve been to so many cities since we left New York, I can’t keep up. My job is demanding as Sayge grows. “Surviving” has spent the last eight weeks at number one and Jay pushed two more releases out. Surprisingly, I’ve been accepted by the fan base and been included on several interviews and guest appearances. So far the road hasn’t been too bad. As I promised Declan, every few nights we stay in a hotel, so we have our privacy. I make a point to get groceries delivered to us when needed. I cook for the guys at least three times a week and we sit together and talk about everything but music. To me, it helps us decompress.

A few weeks back, I got hit with one of my migraines and Declan flipped. He must have called my mom a dozen times the first day and only left me to go onstage. There’s a medical provider that travels with the tour, and he made the woman sit with me the two hours he was gone. It must have really freaked out all the guys because for those two days didn’t make a sound on our bus and Cooper took over my phone and computer to make sure things were running smoothly. By the third day, when I woke up feeling better, the bus was clean, stocked, and Declan had meals prepared for when I was hungry again.

But things went back to normal shortly after that, and I was once again surrounded by a bus of rock stars and their craziness. That’s why I am so excited to have my friends here soon. Abbi, Ella, and I are taking a day to shop for bridal dresses. Charlie wants to stay with Blake.

The day they arrive, I arrange for a car to bring them to the arena. I’ve packed our bags because we are all staying at the Four Seasons, and I planned for a spa day Sunday before they leave. As soon as they step out of the car, I run over screaming like a school girl. We all embrace and jump around causing a scene. Declan is not far behind me with a very eager Blake. We unload their bags to our bus, and I walk them around to introduce them to the other bands.

After a few hours of walking around, we go to the hotel to get ready for tonight. We have plans to go out after the concert. I get ready with them and make sure to have room service bring us bottles of wine. I’ve taken care of everything tonight for Sayge so I can cut loose. Besides, Jay is here, if anything needs taking care of, he can handle it.

While we’re getting dressed, I fill them all in on the music Declan has been writing and the studio I secured in October for them to record. Mike is working with me and Knight’s Dream’s Manager to put together a tour next year. I’m concerned the music won’t be ready, but he has a plan to release the next album while they’re on the road.

Charlie tells me that Amber and Kelly both moved out of Nashville. We didn’t press any charges, but the damage was still done. While I didn’t follow through on my threat to expose them, my friends did. And Mike ended up doing a candid interview with Andy to help restore his reputation. Charlie is now Mike’s assistant and is working with new artists closely.

Abbi and Ella both are staying busy, and Ella will graduate this December two weeks after Abbi gets married. Will has actually asked Ella to move in with him. She hasn’t said yes, but I know she will.

When we’re dressed and ready, I call for a car. There’s a knock at the door, and when I open it, there’s a very large and scary man looking at me.

“Mrs. Collins?”

“Yes,” Abbi, Ella and I say at the same time.

“Mrs. Declan Collins?” he clarifies.

“That’s me.” I wave.

“I’m Jose, I’ll be accompanying you tonight.”

Fucking Declan! This has his name written all over it. We grab our things and follow Jose to the waiting car.

There’s champagne in the ice bucket and a note addressed to me when we get in.

Sparkle, you didn’t think I’d let you go out on the town without me did you? Don’t be mad, Jose comes recommended from your dad. I’ll see you when you get to the arena, but be warned, I have one of your sundresses if I need to change you. I love you.

“Only my brother can put that look on your face.” Ella says as she fills our glasses.

“He knows how excited I am you girls are here, but he’s still possessive as shit.”

“Doubt that will change in the next seventy years.”

I laugh with them and think in the back of my mind how right they are. We pull up to the arena and go through security with Jose close. Fans scream my name, but he puts his hand on my back and leads me to the building where Declan is waiting with a scowl on his face. No doubt he’s going to try and make me change.


“Please tell me I don’t have to go home. This is heaven.” Ella sighs against the pedicure chair.

“You could always stay and live with me on a bus with gross boys and no Will Turner.”

“Nah, I’ll go back, but this is luxury.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024