Surviving (Surrender 2) - Page 74

“That’s cool. Thanks, Dad.”

James gives us the details of the fight, and I text the guys to see if they want to come. Each one of them says yes. We make our plan to meet up, and Robbie goes out back to fry the turkeys.

I don’t know how she did it, but Jenna set us all up at one table. My dad says the blessing and once again mentions how proud Mom would be of us if she were around. Abbi and Ella sniff a little and when he is done there are tears in Raven and Jenna’s eyes. I look at my dad and wonder how in the world he made it through her death. If something happened to Raven, I’m not sure I could go on.

Dinner is an event. There is so much food on the buffet I’m certain the girls were expecting ten more people. Raven made a few dishes and brought them over, but it’s obvious they aren’t needed. I can’t even fit half the stuff on my plate.

Raven insists on sitting between Finn and me. Before I know it, she has convinced him and Robbie to go for their tuxes on Saturday. She wants theirs to match the one I own.

My family helps clear the table while Raven and Robbie serve dessert. I made sure my dad brought the same pie he did last year since Raven loved it so much. Truth be told, I loved watching her eat it.

When everyone is done, Mrs. Black asks about the wedding. It didn’t take five seconds before every male at the table gets up and goes to the living room. This is total chick territory. I don’t mind talking about our wedding planning, but I need to hold some form of respect in front of the other guys. I don’t want to lose my mancard right before Guys’ Night Out.

Chapter 29

NNN with Testosterone


I wonder if it can really happen. Can one die of death by orgasms? I swear I literally saw spots and my eyes rolled back in my head an hour ago. Since we got home last night, Declan hasn’t let me go. I finally had to threaten him to get out of bed and bathe. He has to meet the guys in an hour, and I need to get to Abbi and Ella’s.

“Sparkle, what’s your outfit look like for tonight?”

“I can’t tell you. It’s a surprise. I bought it for you but haven’t worn it yet.”

He grumbles something and leaves the bathroom.

I dress in sweats and pack an overnight bag. Declan’s driving me because we’re going to the tux shop midmorning, and I didn’t want to have two cars.

I’m not sure of the details of the evening but something about dinner, drinks, and a fight at the Arena. I’m not really familiar with fighting, but I assume it’s a boxing match.

When we get to the girls’ house, Declan walks me to the door, and kisses me long and hard before letting me go in. Harper and Kendall pull up, and catcall as they walk up the drive. He promises to call me when he gets home and leaves reluctantly.

“Fucking finally! I thought he’d never let you go.” Charlie yells when I get to the kitchen.

“Shut up. Don’t piss me off this early in the evening. He’s mad because he finally has some time off, and I made plans for tonight and tomorrow morning. He’s gotten possessive of our time alone together.”

“Has he grown a vagina too?”

“Charlie! Lay off, you of all people know how busy the guys have been. I think it’s sweet, but he knows how sacred NNNs are so he’ll get over it.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m kidding with you. I actually got my own form of lecture this morning from Blake.”

“Enough about hot, possessive boyfriends. Don’t forget that not all of us have a member of the hot-tourage.” Harper s


“Okay, enough about them. Let’s get dressed.” Abbi announces.

Sleeping arrangements are made, and I’m in the room with Abbi. We change quickly and join the others back in the kitchen. Ella has poured tequila shots and lined them up on the counter. Kendall stands at one end and raises her glass.

“I’m going to have to amend the toast since this isn’t technically a girl’s weekend. So, to the best girls’ night ever! May there be secrets, sauce, silliness, and sex!” We all lick, slam and suck down our shots.

I look at each girl and decide Harper is winning the nightie contest tonight. Her black satin baby doll nightie is hot! There’s lace trim everywhere and the straps have rhinestones. Because of this beading, I doubt it’s comfortable to sleep in, but it’s so sexy, I don’t think it’s meant to be slept in. I tell the others this, and they agree.

We didn’t choose a winner last year because of Declan’s interruption. So this year we announce her the winner before we get too drunk or interrupted again. There really isn’t a prize. Just bragging rights and saying the mantra.

Harper raises another shot to us, “We swear on the sisterhood that nothing leaves this house. We may be horny, we may be whipped, but we know ho’s are better than bro’s.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024